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(A/N, I already had to re-italisize a bunch of words from this chapter on ao3 and I can't be bothered to do it here, so you guys are getting the normal version, sorry. If anyone expresses an interest about this fic on here, i'll continue. but for now most of the fic is staying on ao3 cos im too lazy to copy it all over.)

On January fifteenth, three days before his seventeenth birthday, Todoroki Touya woke up.

He wasnt expecting to. There had been so much pain, more than he had ever experienced before--and that was saying something. For someone so young, the things he had been through were almost unimaginable to the outside world, especially considering his fathers status in the media. No one would dare believe the suffering the number two hero caused, the villain-like feather struck through every nerve in his childrens bodies.

The pain that hit the boy in that moment was unbearable, he couldnt even lift his head to check his injuries. The nerves on his neck were screaming something fierce, and everytime he so much as thought of moving his arms he cried out in agony, which irritated the burns on his face, which would have brought tears to his eyes if it werent for his burnt tear ducts.

Because of the fire in his nerves, he didnt register the sound of footsteps.

But he registered the extra pressure around his neck. Touyas eyes wouldve flown right open if he had the energy, panic seizing his heart in a vice grip. He waited for the yelling, the burning, more pain, but there was nothing but the sickening squelch of a knife being pulled from a body, and a sharp thud against the concrete. (His head was cloudy, it was hard to process things beyond the white-hot burning of his flesh)

Todoroki Touya wanted to scream, or cry, because holy shit did someone just kill his father?

No. (Screams bubbled in is throat, god why did it hurt so fucking much?) The thud was too light for it to have been a man of Endeavor's size and build, there had been no heat in the alleyway beyond his own, and the old bastard never reigned in his ridiculous flaming beard and moustache. Besides, there was no way that idiot was dumb enough to not notice a backstabbing.

It was easy to admit he was disappointed that Todoroki Enji hadnt kicked the bucket, oh well, at the very least that meant there was more fiery revenge for him (not that he would live to see another day, he was fading in and out of consciousness, blacking out in brief intervals, fuck this wasnt good)

Abruptly he tuned into the sounds around him, jolting inwardly as he heard some kind of fight breaking out, it was hard to think straight, when agony was coursing through his veins and his head ached like it had been pounded multiple times into the dojo wall (oh wait, it had.)

Saito Aziriu you are under arrest for several cases of illegal quirk use and one count of murder in the first degree, the police are on their way, so i suggest you make this easier for yourself and step away from the kid

He wants to protest, because he is seventeen but he knows hes always been small for his age (Damn Fuyu, taking up all the space in the womb.), Shouto is rapidly gaining on him and hes 110cm (39) tall. Touya himself was 140 (4'7) last he checked, which is the average for a fucking ten year old. (yes were making Dabi/Touya short as fuck did you SEE him as a twelve year old, dont worry hell grow a bunch and fool everyone with nine inch wedges which yes he learned how to fight in them hes a badass) so its not like anyone will believe him if he says hes seventeen without identification. Plus, opening his mouth right now would be a death sentence and a half, his skin felt like it was trying to forcibly remove itself from his body, while the rest of it desperately clung on and hoped it wouldnt leave, and then someone went and poured rubbing alcohol all over him before they dipped him in a vat of acid,

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2021 ⏰

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