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TW (for a whole story): there's mention of violence and injuries but nothing graphic, they just talk about it

„Nice to see you again Lee."

As soon as Jeno heard that voice he knew who it was. There was no need to turn around and see the sly smile of the other boy but Jeno still did. Why? Only he knew.

"I wouldn't say it about you Jaemin." The said boy smirked and sat down on the pavement.

"Sit down, we have about 10 minutes before your team gets here. Let's take a breath."

Jeno did as Jaemin told him but still left a few meters of distance between them. After all they were enemies who a few minutes ago were fighting against each other. You shouldn't let your guard down. Never.

Jeno was a modern day superhero, as media called him. In the world where 0,01% of population had super powers people like him were obligated to make sure that everyone was safe. He was part of an organization that helped kids who went the wrong way. His job was to find such kids and bring them to the organization where they were trained to become better human beings. Jeno never saw how the process looks as it was one of many government secrets but he didn't mind. He just wanted to help others.

His power wasn't something amazing. He actually got to know about it only about 5 years ago and now he was already 23 years old. As soon as his father saw his abilities he got him to the organization and they took him in. The people there treated him like family, something that he had never experienced at his own home. This was the main reason why he decided to stay. Another one was his friend that he made while training.

Mark was the first person that talked to him when he got there and they became friends instantly. In contrast to Jeno, Mark knew about his powers since he was a little child. He could move objects using only his mind power. At the beginning it were only small toys or plates but every time he got older his ability got stronger. When he was Jeno's age he could move trucks or even smaller buildings.

His super power was pretty common but Mark's strength wasn't. And as the organization said it was thanks to them. They trained him that well so he could get to that level. Jeno believed it wholeheartedly.

But coming back to his power. Jeno has ability that was detected in only 4 people around the world through out all this years. For now there were 2 superheroes alive with that power. So what it was then? Jeno had the power of fire and water in his hands.

He could make a flood or burn whole cities down. At the beginning he had a hard time controlling himself but with years came experience and now he was fully capable of using his super power.

He also believed that this was all thanks to the organization.

With that ability he fought with people who were working against said organization. That included Na Jaemin.

Jeno didn't fully understand Jaemin's power. They knew each other for over 2 years but he still couldn't get him. He saw Jaemin using wind to move around but Jeno knew that it wasn't all. There was a weird green glow on the other boy hands whenever they fought but that glow never did anything to Jeno. The organization also didn't have much data about his enemy which was weird considering that they knew everything about everybody.

Jaemin always showed up whenever Jeno came to save kids from bad life and never let him take them. It come to the point that the organization sent more and more people with him, not only superheroes, to capture the other boy and make him work for the government.

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