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"Fiooona!" Cake screamed from the lower levels of the tree house. "I'm coming I'm coming!" Fiona yelled beck from the bedroom. She snuggled deeper into the patched sleeping bag she was in, her soft, red flannel pajamas keeping her warm in the drafty shelter. She yawned & rolled over. "In about five more minutes...." She mumbled, before slipping deftly back into sleep, only to be promptly woken only about three minutes later by a wild looking Cake. "FIONA!" She yelled, "Get up & get dressed! Prince Bubblegum is waiting...." "Fine." Fiona groaned, rolling over. "Just give me a minute." "You've already HAD an extra 3. Now get up." Cake stretched over Fiona & unzipped her sleeping bag, effectively dumping her on the floor. "CAKE!" Fiona yelled. "I was getting up!" Cake just grinned, "Not fast enough Honey. Now get dressed." And then she spiraled her body down the stairs, her feet had never left the 1st floor. Fiona grinned, that crazy cat. She just wanted to go see Sir Rainacorn. But then, she herself wanted to go see the Prince. So, with a sigh, she pulled herself up off of the floor where she had been sitting. She stripped off her pajamas, & pulled her regular outfit, light blue shirt with half sleeves down to her elbows, & a skirt a shade darker that went down to about her mid to lower thigh, white socks with two thin blue lines that went up almost to her skirt, but left about an inch of exposed skin. Clothes designed to cover her, but to not hinder her during battle. She looked at her puff of long blond hair in the mirror, it was down to the floor, a full of waves & curls. She again thanked Glob that that for her birthday, Cake had given her that enchanted comb, she could just snap her fingers, & it would begin to brush her hair at an almost supersonic speed. She waited about two minutes until it was done, & then grabbed her hat. She stuffed her hair into it, but a small bit at the front escaped. She sighed, & shook her head, & then got up to get her backpack. It was round, two different shades of green, & flipped it open, checking the contents. She had her grass sword on her wrist already, & so all she needed was to make sure that she had The Enchiridion, an energy bar, some water, some gold, & some candy. Checking off her mental list, she closed & snapped the bag. Sitting down on the bed, she slipped on her shoes, they were flats, & black, with a little strap across the top. She stood up, slinging her backpack across her shoulders, & walked downstairs to an impatient looking Cake, whom promptly grabbed her & pulled her into her back as she grew in size & sprinted to the Candy Kingdom.

Bad Little Boy, Good Little GirlWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu