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"Woah! Cake! Slow down!" Fiona yelled, laughing. Cake, who was now the size of a small horse, dashed through the woods, & Fiona gripped her neck tightly, watching the birds & other small forest creatures scatter in fear. They ran into a gnome carrying wood at one point, & Fiona blushed as Cake rushed on, fast enough that she barely heard the stream of curses the small creature was screeching at them. Suddenly, Cake jumped up, growing in size as she did. Fiona squealed as she realized that Cake was taking the shortest route to the candy kingdom, & in her haste had jumped off of a cliff. She felt Cake twist, & herself let go. Time seemed to stop, for just a moment. She hung, suspended, in the air for the shortest of short moments, flying upward ever so slightly, before plummeting downwards. "CAKE!" She screamed. She looked at the sky, the clouds getting smaller & smaller, & felt her right arm hit a jutting rock, scraping the skin painfully before she hit something soft & fluffy. She struggled to catch her breath. "Ca...Cake!" She gasped out. She reached in her bag & grabbed her water bottle. She took a drink, & swallowed noisily. She took a deep breath, then, & rolled off of Cake. "WHAT THE MATH CAKE?!" Fiona yelled. "WE COULD'VE GOTTEN KILLED! ALL TO SEE YOUR STUPID BOYFRIEND!"
"Fiona." Cake said, shocked. Her mouth was open, & her eyes were huge. Surprise, confusion, & hurt filled them. Normally, Fiona would apologize immediately. Normally Fiona wouldn't yell period. But she felt strange at the moment, strange & angry. But this strange feeling was somehow vaguely familiar. She noted this in her head before turning back to Cake. "Go see your boyfriend then- obviously he's worth more to you than I am."
"Fi...Fiona. Sugar don't say that. Don't ever say that! I-"
"Go." Fiona cut her off coldly.
Than she turned, & ran into the woods. That choked, angry feeling was fading. What had she just done? She wondered, slowing, & then finally stopping to sit at the base of a large tree. She hadn't even yelled at Cake since they started living on their own. So why now? Why over something so insignificant? "Quite a show that you put on back there." A laid back voice sounded from behind her with a slight, amused chuckle.

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