The Deal With The Duke

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As the carriage arrive back I hurried inside as quick as possible and to find.. Duke Seymour.. Oh lord could this day get any worse?

/// Duke Seymour is a young gentleman who is at the age 23. He got the title Duke by killing the former Duke, his father. He is a psychopath most of all (ToT) and he would kill for something he desires. He isn't one of the people who likes Casey, instead he despise her but he couldn't do anything since the crown prince is protecting her. He is also one of Martha's enemy. Why? Well she sort of got in his way when he had a chance to kill Casey but that time Martha also wish to do the same but instead they argued about who's going to be the one to do so. Then they missed their chance. ///

Duke Seymour said "Lady Martha. You arrived just on time"
with amusement in his tone, I said "Duke Seymour I must have made you wait" then he said "Don't worry I just arrived here. Let's discuss an important matter.." he said that as he glanced at the maids in the room as a signal for me to dismiss them. I dismissed the maids and said "Get to the point duke. I know you won't visit without an important reason". He smiled after what I said and walked up to me and said "We both want to kill that disgusting woman, Casey. But we just had to get into each other's way.. So I've come to make a deal." as he hands a contract paper. I asked "What type of deal?.. And you are wrong I no longer want to kill that woman. I lost my interests." as I read the paper.. It wasn't what I expected instead..It's an engagement contract.. He saw my expression and said "It's shocking I know. But if we were to be engaged won't it be easier for us to kill that woman? We have power and wealth of course! And there will be no trace at all.. I know you love that crown prince man but if we were engaged they wouldn't really think it's you or I who killed her. Point is if you're engaged to me they will think you lost interests in the crown prince. Won't that do you good?" It was a good deal but.." And what would that help you with?" I asked. He replied back without hesitations and smiled "You catch on quite fast Martha. Well what good does the deal give me? Obviously the position of the grand Duke. What else?" now that I think about it.. The deal itself isn't that bad "Alright I'll accept the deal but. Do not involve me with the killings I'm tired of her face and if we have to hold up the wedding we will not sleep with each other at all and after your plan is done we will remain a marriage couple but there will be no affections or love between us and we have our own privacy and personal life." After I said that he just gave me a smile and said "I wasn't planning on loving you anyways. But we still have to act infront of the crowd and right now we should at least get to know each other and be friends." Being friends with him would do good I guess.. I nod and signed the contract..

                           Oh what did I just get myself into..

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