Chapter one: The woman in the photo.

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"You can put that on the left side." Becca gave the order to the truck guy, who had been generous enough to help her out with moving in the boxes. He nodded and did as asked, and left soon enough. Becca gave him a thirty-dollar tip along with a smile.

She then opened her purse to get her phone which was ringing. It was her realter, Madilyn. She expected her call so it was no surprise.

"Hey Becca, everything going good?"

"So far, yeah." The brunette replied looking around at the boxes yet to be moved. After a small conversation, Madilyn decided to now let Becca rest, perhaps she would require a lot of energy to move the boxes and settle in.

"Alright, now I think you should rest. Also just give me a call if anything weird happens." Madilyn said hesitantly.

"Anything weird? Is there a possibility?" Becca asked with a concerned tone. The realtor brushed her question off and hung up.

Although she loved the vintage house she had bought, the vibes from the house itself was preventing it from being Becca's dream house. She decided to not overthink her feelings, and went upstairs to check out the place for the 33th time.

As she reached upstairs, she noticed something odd. She took a closer look to her left side, and was left with thinking,

"Was that room there the whole time?"

She had toured the house more than thirty times, and never once noticed that room.

"It definitely camouflaged, I guess." She thought to herself, while walking towards that room.

The door opened with a loud creak. As soon as she stepped into the room, she shivered. The room was cold, and although it was the time of winter, the room itself was colder than the temperature outside.

Becca looked around, and at the very far corner to her right side, she noticed a photo lying on the floor that she almost couldn't tell was there. Although it seemed old, it had a shine to it, almost like it was glossy. She went towards it to take a closer look at it, but as soon as she picked it up, she let out a confused disgust. The picture was wet, covered with some thick yet runny substance, which caused Becca to throw it back on the floor. But the people in the photo caused her to pick it back up to take a proper look.

It looked like it was a soon to be family. She noticed something written at the bottom right corner, when she took a closer look, it said:

"Shirley and Nate's engagement party."

Becca smiled feeling happy for the couple.

Until she saw something in the of her eye. She could make out a figure, but was betting on whether or not to look directly at it. She slowly moved her head towards her right side,

..And that's when she saw the woman from the photo. But she looked rather different...a flow of some crimson substance dripping from her dark hollow eyes, her eyebrows in a furrowed manner, she reached out her hand and opened her mouth to say something, but before she could Becca rubbed her eyes to make sure she was actually seeing her.

The woman was gone. Becca was confused and frightened at the same time. She immediately tossed the photo into the bin, and closed the door shut before heading back downstairs.

A lump of fear was now stuck in her throat. She couldn't think about anything else except the woman and that photo.

"Who was she? What happened to her? Have I made a mistake by choosing this house?"

Her thoughts took over her brain and now her sleep. She laid in the bed with paranoia wavering over her head.

Although soon she started feeling a bit sleepy, almost quite dizzy.

Thank you for reading Chapter one! <33 

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