Chapter 4 - Meetup

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George was at the airport. For real this time, and he was waiting for Dream. Just like in his dream.

He still didn't know what Dream looked like, but he would be looking for George and wearing a lime green hoodie. He was at gate 7.

George looked around, attempting to find Dream.

Suddenly, he felt a pair of hands over his eyes.

"Guess who," said a familiar voice, only sweeter and softer than over Discord.

George spun around to see the most handsome man he had ever seen. In colour.

His dirty blonde hair flopped over his green eyes, which sparkled at the sight of George.

"Dream?" George asked.

He was freaking out.

Was this what everyone saw each day? And why could he see colours now? Oh god... the legend... there was no way. No. NO. NO... They weren't soulmates. Right?

"Who else would it be?" answered Dream. "C'mon, let's go."

Dream took George's hand and led him outside, before George took Dream to the car.

George marvelled at the grass at the side of the parking lot. It was so green. He had never seen anything like it. He looked at Dream again, staring into those green eyes. They were similar to the grass, but a bit more bluey.

Still, he could stare at things when they got home, and they needed to go.

The car journey home mostly consisted of Dream obsessing over how the British drove on the 'wrong' side of the road, how they were allowed to drink at 18, how they called chips 'crisps' and fries 'chips'.

George offered to go out somewhere, perhaps to a park or a funfair, but was secretly hoping that Dream would just want to go back to George's house. He was lucky. Dream decided to go home so he could unpack and get settled.

He still seemed oblivious to the fact that George was seeing in colour, although they were both pretty good actors, so anything could be happening really.

George was quiet for most of the journey, and when they got back to George's place he only showed Dream to his room before disappearing into his own.

He googled a rainbow on his phone - people always said that they were beautiful and full of colour, but George had never seen one properly. He switched to the images tab and gasped. They were dazzling. It was incredible.

He wondered how close you had to be to your supposed 'soulmate' for it to work.

But no. They weren't soulmates. They couldn't be. Still, what other explanation was there?

Perhaps... Perhaps they were.

George yawned - it was 1 pm, but he normally woke up around then. Or fell asleep then. His sleep schedule was inconsistent as well as messed up, and he had woken up at about 6am that morning. He lay down on his bed, intending to just have a small rest.

He considered the morning's events and came to the tired conclusion that having Dream as his soulmate wouldn't be too bad, right before dropping into a heavy, dreamless sleep.

Urgh this was so hard to write pls send help lol. Listening to fallen down slowed rn. Also sorry for the late update, but... k I don't have an excuse, I'm just lazy. Sorry.

534 words pog 😎

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