Chase saves Skye from freezing to death

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At Jake's Mountain...

Skye was lost in Jake's Mountain, she was injured after she crashed her Helicopter, her paw hurts after she crashed and she has an ice stain on her leg.

Skye: Ow, ow, ow. My paw.

As Skye continued to walk, she got hit in the back of her head by a snowball which made her more cold, she now has 3 ice stains, one of her leg, one on her tail and one on her ear.

Skye: Ow! Brrrrrrr! I'm so cold!

She got hit by another snowball causing her to fall on the ground, she was laying on the snow on her belly, she was even more cold and she was too weak to even walk and her ice stains got worse.

Skye: (Shaking in coldness) Ch-Ch-Ch-Ch-Chase..

Skye passed out from the cold temperature.

Meanwhile with Chase...

Super Spy Chase was at Jake's Mountain looking for Skye. He was hoping she didn't freeze out there.

Chase: (Calling) Skye! Skye! Skye! Where are you?!

But no response.

Chase: What am I gonna do? I can't let my puppy freeze out here. It's -2°.

Chase then hatched an idea to find Skye.

Chase: I know! I'll use my drone to find her, what am I doing?

Chase summoned his drone and launches it and he watches through the drone cam.

Chase: I hope I'll find Skye through this.

After a few minutes of watching, Chase sees something in the snow that looks familiar.

Chase: What's that?

The drone goes closer and Chase was shocked to see that Skye was unconscious on the snow.

Chase: Oh my goodness! It's Skye!

Chase goes to where the drone was and the drone went back to Chase's vehicle and he jumped out of his vehicle and checked on Skye, who was unconscious with 3 bad ice stains on her.

Chase: Skye, Skye, Skye, Skye! Wake up! (Shaking her)

Chase turned Skye over to laying on her back and he puts his ear on Skye's chest, and Chase got hold of a heartbeat.

Chase: (Sigh of relief) Hang in there my baby, I'll get you home.

Chase picked up Skye and he puts her in his vehicle and he drove Skye back to the Lookout and after some time, he arrived.

Chase: Hold on Skye, I'll take care of you. (Giving her belly taps)

Chase lifted Skye onto his back and carried her in the Lookout and Chase settled Skye in a Pup-bed and covered her up with a bunch of blankets and he turns Kyle's heater on and he stood by her to lookout for her.

Chase: (To Himself) I can't believe this happened to my baby pup.

Chase whimpered sadly.

Chase: Skye, wake up my adorable Cockapoo.

But then, Chase saw that Skye's ice stains disappeared and Skye slowly opened her eyes.

Skye: (Moan) Ch-Chase?

Chase: Skye! You're awake! (Happy)

Chase hugged Skye tightly.

Skye: (Groan) Chase, you're squeezing me!

Chase: I know, I thought I was gonna lose you.

Skye: I'm happy you found me on Jake's Mountain, I thought I was be frozen forever.

Chase: Why were you walking through Jake's Mountain? What happened to your helicopter?

Skye: It crashed with me in it.

Chase: That explains why you're hurt. Wait, how did you crash your copter?

Skye: The engine overheated and I couldn't jump out of it because the seatbelt was stuck and it crashed. Thankfully I survived.

Chase: Yeah, that's for sure.

Chase puts his paw on Skye's cheek.

Chase: And don't you worry Skye, I'll make sure you don't freeze the rest of the winter.

Skye: Thanks Chasey, you're the best German Shepherd I've ever met.

Chase cuddled up in bed with Skye.

Chase: Mmmm, such a fluffy pup you are.

Chase started licking Skye in the cheek and put was softly biting her leg and went back to licking her.

Skye: (Moan in joy)

The End.

Chase saves Skye from freezing to deathWhere stories live. Discover now