Chapter 3

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"So if she does pass her test where are we going to bunk her in?" Willie asked.

Jade had explained briefly that a girl, around the same age as her, had been occupying the streets of Aurum for about half of the past week. She had called this meeting upon her return.

"She can sleep with me for the time being until we've been able to build another cabin for girls, we've only the two and they're bursting at the seams as it is." Jade had planned all this before on her way back.

"Sorry Jade I'm trying to get around to it but with the 2 outposts we're working on are only half finished it could be a week before we manage to even start on it then at least a month or two before the cabins finished"

Kirren had become the head of Straydom's carpenters and builders and at the age of 21 was possibly the most skilled at his trade then anyone in Alerion.

"That's fine Kirren I've got plenty of space" Jade's space was the same as all of theirs as she had insisted from the start, if not a little smaller since she had kept her place since when it had been built at the start of their settlement, she may have been their leader but that didn't make her intitled to any more than anyone else as she saw it.

"And then theres the matter to be settled about who gets to do her introductory training"

"Well, its not gonna be us!" The twins Joseph and Josephine spoke in unison.

Jade gave them a withering glare

"I'd be nuts if I did, Jimmy was the biggest failure I've ever seen not did you manage to not teach him what food is but he had Ruth ready to kill him, and shes sworn to help anyone and everyone to the topmost of her capabilities!"

"Well it isn't our fault he decided to pick up the anvil when I asked for scrap metal!"

"That covers the broken toes but the broken arm?"

"I asked him if he could get some lunch from Celine not to catch lunch to take to Celine!"

"Uh ha and the hair on fire?"

"What kid tests a fire's heat with himself anyway that was plain stupidity!!!"

Jade sighed as the others present tried to muffle their laughter.

"I'll take her on she seems quite special and it might help to heighten and stabilize our discipline with a few more originals as you all like to call them"

"Then I suggest we go recruit her"


Tameal was walking down the street, it was a busy day for the town with heavily loaden carts occupying the center of the road and plenty of people laughing and joking together besides them. They were all headed in one direction, the towns marketplace.

The girl glanced around her, it was hard to remain inconspicuous without companions in the bustle, she must stand out like a sore thumb she knew with her cowl of her green cloak concealing her face and remaining silent as those around her called greetings to friends and family.

Even so she refused to lower the cowl and scanned every alley opening and side street she passed, she relentlessly probed the shadows for any sign of her brothers spies and soldiers, or perhaps even more importantly Damorak's.

Even with her shortly cut hair and home-woven tunic and tights she would've been easily recognized as a daughter of nobility even if her true status wasn't immediately recognized the truth would have come out eventually.

Afterall peasant girls weren't exactly renowned for wearing a sword at their hip and a bow in their hands.

Her life hadn't always been running from her brother and betrothed oh no that only happened less than four months ago.

She grimaced as her face stared back at her from a new poster tacked to a post.

It was the same as always.







15000 IF ALIVE

Even after seeing the poster a hundred times before it still hurt to see the lies her brother was spreading, they were once closer than could be, they had loved to play together to try daring escapades to rescue each other when one fell into the hands of Cookie the monstrous and smiling dragon of the kitchens. She smiled at the thought of running rings around the chef as she played her part in their daily games.

Those were good days.

Tameal probably would have kept reminiscing if her keen eyes hadn't picked up a ripple in the current of the market day rush.

Her hands moved so that she would be unrestricted when the time came that she might have to fight. Her bow wouldn't be any good not enough room her arrows could go anywhere and hit anyone.

She relaxed as it became apparent that the thought of threat was only a girl and boy running in the opposite direction of the crowd. She smiled they must be around her age but they seemed so happy and into trouble they looked like a pair of ten year old's from their behavior.

She watched as they were laughingly scolded by mothers as they tried to keep in check their own children from joining in on the game.

She was just about to dismiss them when something caught her eye.

A glint of metal.

She nearly panicked until she realized that the soldier wasn't staring at her or heading in her direction with his sword drawn.

He was going straight to the girl and boy with a sneer that could've curdled milk.

Almost without thought or of the risks and repercussions involved she flicked back her cloak to uncover her quiver , raised her bow and with one swift action she released.

The soldier fell with a cry as the arrow lodged itself in his muscle of his right shoulder.

The people all seemed to pause before screaming and chaos erupted, kids pointed their thin and chubby fingers at the soldier and some even pointed and shouted at her identifying the marksmen.

Tameal tried to disappear back into shadows but the girl made eye contact with her.

The message was clear.

They were going to meet again in the very near future.

I skipped a chapter i know but i reckon in about 2-3 months you can fill in the blanks by buying your own copy. Sorry!

I plan to post every second- third chapter up every second - third day for the next 2-3 weeks if you are reading this please pester me if I haven't posted it to help me stay on schedule.

I am also getting a proper cover made up this week, along hopefully with some chapter illustrations.

Thanks so much for reading this and any feedback will be greatly welcomed!!

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