Chapter five

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Johnny led the way back to Straydom, the girls following. They stayed quiet for most of the trip, occasionally uttering a low curse as unwanted rocks made their presence known or a wayward branch punished them for not keeping their eyes on where they were going.

Everything seemed fine until a scream pierced the air.

They all stilled in their tracks looking at one another, Johnny moved first.

"I told you that leaving Jimmy in charge was a bad idea!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah."

Jade muttered breaking into a run, Johnny let her pass before gesturing for Tameal to follow.

In a few minutes they found themselves breaking into a clearing.

Of course, clearing was one way to look at it. With the buildings set around and people running around everywhere yelling it seemed more like the street after Tameal had shot the soldier.

An angry girl around twenty with her hair in a loose braid was chasing a boy with a drawn dagger, some people were hanging in nets yelling for help, a group of girls were tied together by their hair and there were arrows, thrown daggers and eggs being thrown everywhere.


Jade yelled.

Everything stilled. Slowly heads turned their ways.


The boy who had previously been chased stepped forward.

"Uh hi Jade didn't expect you back yet..."

He tried for a grin but it turned into a bit of a whimper.

"My house. Now"

"Yes Jade"

The boy's shoulders slumped, and he trudged off.

"And everybody else clean up this mess."

The tone of command in Jades voice brooked no argument and people started to shuffle around picking up strewn weapons and previously used missiles.

Tameal leant in closer to Johnny.

"Is it always like this?"

Johnny grinned.

"No because this time Jade didn't listen to me."

"I heard that, Johnny!"

Jade yelled from where she stood a few meters away taking in the mess.

"You were meant to."

Johnny called back cheekily. Jade rolled her eyes.

Now that she had the chance to Tameal noticed how well built all the small buildings were, nothing was falling over or looked messy. And the treehouses weren't just a few planks in some branches but rather well-built circular structures that circled up the trunks of the trees.

"If you stand there gawking all day your jaw will fall off."

A girl spoke right behind her and Tameal spun around. A short and slim girl with brown hair smiled at her.

"I'm Naomi, Jade sent me, you must be Tameal."

Tameal nodded with a shy smile. She wasn't used to people casually addressing her yet, but she liked it a lot better than court formals.

"If you follow me, I can take you to where you'll be staying."

"Thank you."

Tameal followed the girl up to wear a small rope ladder hung, it led up an Oaktree to one of the small treehouses she had observed earlier.

"If you head up there you'll find Jade, you'll be staying with her for the time being."

Naomi informed her. With one final smile she took off like a small rabbit.

Tameal hitched her bow more securely onto her shoulder before gripping the ladder and making her way up.

When she reached the top she awkwardly tried to grab onto the small platform that jutted out but a hand saved her the trouble. Jade gripped her arm and helped her up. She's strong, Tameal thought to herself. She wiggled herself up onto the ledge and lay there a few seconds.

"You'll get used to it soon."

Jade grinned at her and Tameal rolled over. And nearly off the edge. She glanced warily at the ground imagining her innards splattered on the grass. It wasn't a pretty picture.

"So you say."

Tameal muttered under her breath. Jade ignored her.

"Welcome to my humble abode."

She swept her hand through the open door and Tameal could see inside.

It was one room; a small canvas bed was set up in one corner and a desk along a wall. Papers were strewn everywhere and there were maps on the walls. The ground was covered in a hide that looked like it had once belonged to a wolf and there was a small window along the opposite wall.

Tameal smiled it may be small and even primitive, but it had a homey lived in feel that she felt at home at once in.

Jade bustled in.

"Sorry it's a bit of a mess I haven't had a chance to clean up yet but I'll get a bed for you and you can sleep over here. It's a bit small but we should be fine. What do you think?"

She had been stacking papers as she talked but turned abruptly at the final question. Tameal smiled.

"It's great."

And it was. After weeks on the run Tameal couldn't wait to sleep under a proper roof again, even if it happened to be multiple meters up in the air.

"We'll grab something to eat then head to the storeroom for some things for you."

Tameal's stomach rumbled, and she grinned.

"Sounds great!"


The meal consisted of some bread, cold rabbit meat and fresh greens.

When the two girls had arrived at the kitchens Celine had looked them over once then sent them packing with the food, Jade may be the boss but if you miss a meal you miss a meal in her books.

Jade had just laughed and left with Tameal at her heels and now they were at another small cabin. Jade struggled with the door for a bit before yanking it open.

Jade walked in gesturing for Tameal to follow.

"Remember we're looking for some canvas and a bed frame, blankets and anything else you may need like another set of clothes, a satchel, brush stuff like that.

Jade called over her shoulder. Tameal looked around in wonder the walls were stacked with stuff.

"Where did all this come from?"

Jade paused to wipe a cobweb from her hair.

"Well I guess everybody comes with a couple of things, stuff is given to us, some of us build stuff and then dump it here and pretty much anything not used gets put here."

Tameal stooped to blow dust off a piece of wood jutting out but hit her head on the way so gave up. How they were meant to find anything in here was beyond her.

After a bit or rather a lot of pulling, tripping and swallowing of dust they found what they were after, and a few extras.

As they lugged it all back to Jades treehouse Tameal called out.

"Why do you need three satchels, two quills, a filleting knife, one shoe, and a length of leather."

Jade grinned at her.

"Never know what might come in handy."

Tameal glanced once more at what she was carrying.

Jade's a hoarder she thought.

Hi so this is the fifth chapter. Hope you like it:)

Let me know what you think by commenting and voting:)

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