Chapter 1...

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Misty's P.O.V...

Misty woke up on her parent's farm where she lived. Oh, god, thought Misty, I just can't wait 'till I move out then I'll move to the city where dreams come true. She thought this everyday, but no dreams ever came true. But she got up everyday and as she did now. She put her brown boots on and then a brown, light jacket with furr on the collar. She walked down-stairs and put her dog, Spark, on a red leash. "Come on Spark," said Misty, "Come on, boy. Time to go out" She walked out of the house and onto the porch with the black coated dog. They walked around the farm for a bit, and when Spark found a place to go, Misty turned away and thought about the dream she just had. It was about her and a wonderful, smart man in a dangerous situation. Misty didn't know this man in real life, of course, it was only a dream. Misty couldn't quite remember what kind of bad situation they were in, but in that dream, Misty fell in love with the man. He had a squeky voice, but almost seemed to do anything for Misty. It was kinda weird because Misty has a sort of deep voice, when this man had a high pitch voice. But she stopped thinking when the dog started to pull and the leash and bark. "Alright, alright" said Misty to the dog. The two walked inside and were greeted by Misty's mother, Selena. "Hello, darling," said the mother, "Thank you for being so kind and taking Spark here out, but could you feed the chickens?" asked Misty's mom. "Okay" said Misty, and walked back outside and to the barn. She got the chicken food and started to feed the chickens. Although Misty did not like living on the farm, she loved her parents and never wanted to let them down. And never did. "Ah, she'll probably want me to collect the eggs to" says Misty, starting to reach for eggs out of the small chicken coops and put them in a worn wooden basket. The eggs were only two colors: Either brown or white. After she collected all of the eggs and put the basket on the front porch, she thought that  she should get the rest of some things done so she wouldn't have to finish her chores later. So she got a bucket from the shed, and started milking the cows. Now, this was Misty's LEAST favorite part about living on a farm. Milking the cows. She thought it was the most disguesting thing she had ever down except when she has to clean up poop sometimes with nothing but rubber gloves and a plastic bag. Misty that she would be a disgrace to people if they saw her milk a cow or clean kettle's.
Unlike any other normal 17 year old, Misty loved to go to school. School meant that she didn't have to do morning chores, or listen to her mother all day or listen to Spark's barking while she's trying to get more rest. It was unbearable living on the farm for Misty, she hated it. And of course, loved school. Misty's parents didn't care about her education, but on the other hand, Misty loved learning and was good at it. She was hoping everyday that a handsome man would come to the school and fall in love with her, but she o nly has one guy that has a crush on her. And he's a nerd and ugly. His name is Miguel. Ugh, thought Misty at the thought of Miguel.
Misty soon finished all of her chores for the day and went back inside. "I saw you doing extra chores," said Misty's dad, Steven, "Thank you, sweety" Her dad kissed her on the top of the head and walked outside to go to work. Misty's mom wanted her husband to stay at home and help with the farm, but the family needed the money from an actual job. "Bye Stevey!" yelled Misty's mom through the window. Misty's dad turned around and waved good bye. Misty was always sad when her dad left. But she turned around and took off her brown jacket and went upstairs. She went to her room which was really messy, and started to brush her brown hair. Misty immediantly started to think about college. Since she loved learning, she wanted to go to college 100 percent. But her mother would be upset about that. Her mother wanted her to work on the farm for her days, but Misty wanted to move, and in one year or two she might actually be able to do that. But two years wasn't enough for her. She wanted to start a new life now. But as much as she wanted to, she couldn't. She still had chores, and a responsability. For one, she had to deal with a crazy animal in the house, and the dog.
 Misty stopped brushing her hair and thought of something to do for the day. The chicken coop we have right now kinda looks plain, thought Misty, So, why not make a new one? She set her hairbrush down and walked down stairs. She walked into the living room to tell her mom. "Shh!" her mother said. Misty looked at the small TV that her mother was staring, not even blinking, at. The news was on. "So I, Mike Walton, am standing here at the hospital of BridgeVille, PA, where the disease has started spreading. Including most of the other states in this country. Ludvig Maxis, a scientist, and his partner Edward Richtofen, have been trying their very best to end this disease. It's been spreading like wildfire, but we will stop it. Back to Andy in the studio" said the reporter guy, but Misty didn't listen to the TV anymore. Millions of questions and thoughts were flooding through her mind. She have heard of Ludvig Maxis and Richtofen, of course everyone has. But, this has brought her attention: The Andy guy in the studio started to say something interesting. "Maxis and Richtofen has been researching something in Northern France. They have found a mysterious ancient box that can pull out weapons from different eras. This has been an amazing scientific discovery, and will help the US Army in wars and battles. But this is what has to be put down in high tech denfense: 4 different staffs that wield different elemental powers. Dr. Maxis and Richtofen are now becoming millionares overnight! Continue watching for more information after this short break"
 "Can you believe that Misty? A box that pulls out different weapons? And staffs? Staffs! This world is changing, Misty. Changing big time! Maybe, maybe you should move to the city. Actually, yeah. Your dad and I will set it up. But make sure you come back with information because it's impossible to get any information from this area." said her mother. Misty's heart skipped a beat. She was about to faint, but she didn't. Misty just couldn'y believe that she will finally go to the city! This was the most exciting thing that has ever happened in her life. So she cofintally said, "OK..."

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