Young Sirius Black X Reader

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Information before jumping in:

Credit for this idea: JulzLovDraco4Eva


Year: 5th year, during summer.

House: Gryffindor.

Blood Status: Muggle-Born.

Siblings: Sister of Petunia Evans, twin sister of Lily Evans.


I'm Y/N Evans, twin sister of Lily Evans, I'm part of the Marauders ever since my first year of Hogwarts when they saved me from being bullied by Lucius Malfoy for being a muggle-born, Malfoy doesn't like any blood status unless they're a pure-blood, he always befriends pure-blood Slytherins, he even has a pure-blooded Slytherin as a wife.

It is now the summer before my and Lily's 6th year, before summer break, James came up to us and asked if we wanted to come over to his house for the last two weeks of summer break because his family wanted to meet the other Maraduders, I accepted of course because I'm a part of the Marauders "no, I'll pass" Lily said as she gave James a glare, James then walked away after Lily declined his invitation.

I kept begging Lily to come to Jame's house, but Lily kept declining because she still kinda hated James, but at the last minute I got Lily to join me at Jame's house, and so I owled James telling him that Lily was coming over to which he was excited about.

We didn't tell our sister Petunia because we know that she wouldn't be happy that we were going out with our wizard friends, because when she found out about us being wizards, she didn't like it, but we told everyone else in our family that we would be out with our wizard friends.

The day before we had to spend the next few weeks Lily and I started to pack for the two weeks that we would be staying there for, and we even packed some extra clothes just in case we need anymore clothes and ran out.

The day came around quickly which I was excited for, when the time came Lily and I travelled to James' house.

When we knocked on the door James' mum, Euphemia Potter opened the door, and greeted us "JAMES, COME HERE, THE REST OF YOUR FRIENDS ARE HERE!" Euphemia Potter yelled to her son, James, while we waited, Euphemia, let us in and sat us down on the couch where Remus Lupin and Peter Pettigrew were already waiting.

We started a conversation easily while we waited for James to get ready, soon enough James came into the living room "here, I'll give you guys a tour around the house" we all agreed since we had no clue where every room was, while James was showing us around the house, he kept talking about how amazing the house was.

After James gave us a tour we just chilled all around the living room, some of us on the couch, the rest of us on the floor, we were just talking until I suddenly realized that Sirius wasn't there with us, I then turned towards James "where's Sirius, didn't you say all the Marauders were going to be here?" I asked James which made him turn to see if Sirius was actually not there, then realized he wasn't there.

We all started to wonder where Sirius was until we all heard a knock on the door "I'll get the door" James said as he got up and answered the door, we were curious so we got up to where we could see who was at the door.

When we saw who was at the door we were all surprised, what we saw at the door was an out of breath Sirius with a suitcase and a bloodied face "MUM, HELP SIRIUS, HE'S BLEEDING, AND OUT OF BREATH!" James yelled at Euphemia who came rushing to the door.

Euphemia made James move over, and looked at Sirius, she then had James, and Remus help Sirius to James' room so that she could treat Sirius' wounds, and we put Sirius' suitcase where everyone else's suitcases were, and we quickly went back to where Sirius was, Euphemia healed Sirius "alright, Sirius, all you need is rest, so now let's all exit so Sirius can rest" we all then exited James' room so Sirius could get rest.

Everyone was worried about Sirius, but not as much as me because I was just full-on freaking out worrying if he was going to live or not, and Lily could tell that I was freaking out, so she pulled me aside without anyone noticing "Y/N, I can tell that you're freaking out about Sirius, and I know that you have a crush on Sirius, and not as a friend, I see the way that you look at Sirius, just simply tell him that you love him" Lily gave me a tip.

I looked at her in disbelieve "are you sure that I have a crush on Sirius?" Lily nodded "if you doubt me, then tell me how you feel around Sirius" I explained how I feel around Sirius, and she nodded as I was talking.

Lily laughed as soon as I was done explaining to her how I felt about Sirius "you certainly like Sirius, Y/N, and I don't really trust him, but I'll get over it" I nodded, not wanting to talk about it anymore "we should head back, I bet that the guys have noticed, and are worried about us" Lily nodded, and then we headed back to the boys "where were you guys?" they asked us "we just needed to talk about twin stuff" Lily simply said, they understood and just kept talking.

Euphemia came up to us "I'm going to go check up on Sirius, I'll be back" we all nodded and waited for Euphemia to get back, not talking because we were worried again.

Soon enough Euphemia came back "Sirius will be living with us from now on" she said "you'll be staying here more often now" Lily mouthed to me, which made me hit her lightly, everyone else was happy, but James was the happiest.

After that, we went to go see Sirius in James' room, when we entered Sirius was smiling brightly at us "I'm so grateful to have friends like you guys" Sirius said to us "bro, I'm so happy I'm going to live with you, and Y/N was freaking out after mum told you to rest" James exposed, and I lightly hit James, Sirius looked over at me "why did you freak out?" he asked, I sighed "can everyone please get out?" I asked them, and they all walked out.

Lily was the last one to walk out, and as she was walking out she winked at me, then closed the door behind her "explain yourself" Sirius said when Lily closed the door, I turned to him "it's because I love you, Sirius, and I didn't want to lose you" I confessed "I love you too, Y/N, and you won't lose me" he confessed too.

I walked over to Sirius and gave him a hug carefully "DINNER'S READY LOVEBIRDS!" Lily yelled to us which made me flustered and made Sirius smirk, then give me a kiss, I was surprised, and took a while to kiss back.

After the kiss, we went to the dining table we felt way more calmer, and at some point, Sirius and I were holding hands under the table.


Heyo it's me again, and back with a request, thank you for the request, and I actually quite liked making this because the plot was up my alley, and I actually liked the plot, anyway, bye!

Word count: 1,278 words.

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