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'If you tell a big enough lie and tell it frequently enough, it will be believed.'


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chapter thirteen
hall of prophecies

"I received the letter just a few days ago." said Fudge as a skinny old man poured some tea in two cups perched in front of them.

"Just one sugar please." said Alicia politely, taking the cup from the man and continuing her conversation with the Minister.

It's been around fifteen minutes since they had arrived at the Minister's office, discussing and praising the infrastructure and working of the Ministry, when the topic was eventually shifted to her early arrival.

"It stated your arrival to be in the evening." continued Fudge. "If I had known that you'll be arriving in the morning, then I would have cancelled all the hearings and have came to personally welcome you, Ms. Johnson."

"Just a last moment change of plans. And personal welcoming will be too much." she laughed softly. "I just wanted a nice little tour of the Ministry and feel what the workers here do, because without visiting the ministry how would be a tour of London be truly complete."

"So you came to London for any particular business?" He asked with as much politeness he can, trying to hide his curiousity.

"I just came for a little tour of London." She shrugged. "After all being a close relative of the president of MACUSA have its own perks."

"It---" he began chuckling to himself when the door was thrown open and came a fat short man barging in.

"Mr. Min--- Minister" He panted heavily. "The-re is a huge ruckus-s on lev-level four."

"What happened?" He asked worriedly, his reputation at stake.

"Someone released loads of Billwigs in the Beast Division. It have created a whole new ruckus." He explained hurriedly.

"You idiots." He hissed lowly before he fixed his composure and then turned back to Alicia with a polite smile etched on his face.

"Ms. Johnson, I will be just back. It's just a minor problem. I will figure it out. Until then make yourself comfortable."

"Of course, I'll be right here."

|| ◇★◇♦∞♦◇★◇ ||

After waiting impatiently in the Minister's office for exactly two minutes, she stormed out of the room, pressing furiously on the lift button as she looked around her cautiously checking for any passerby.

The atmosphere was eerily quite as the lift arrived noisily with Alicia rushing inside and hastily pressing the ninth level button.

Rushing through the corridor, her heels clinking loudly with each fast step, she reached the circular dark room of walls, peeking inside the nearest doors, until she finally laid her eyes on the Time Room.

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