The Beginning

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The soft sounds of laughter and small feet trending against the clean-cut grass of the meadow near the petite red brick cottage. Children played amongst the sunflowers and climbed the old trees of the meadow forest. 

A little girl wrapped in cotton and silk glowing hair down to her waist with two braids wrapped around below her hairline sitting amongst the daisies turning them into a crown smiling enjoying the song of the birds flying high above her. She smiled finishing the crown of petals putting it on her head soon standing up and spinning around feeling the peace and silence in the air giggling and taking in the sweet spring fragrance soon finding yourself near the old willow tree near the old red brick home. 

Looking at it's stiff branges seeing it slowly reach towards the other green of the forest. The young girl noticed a small gap within the base of tree being curious she entered and looked up seeing the darkness that lurked within soon noticing a small hole where the light shone through hitting in front where the girl stood. Taking a closer look she noticed some small inscriptions within the bark. Tracing her hand over each marking she couldn't make out what it said. It wasn't in the normal writing it was in symbols of arrows, circles, waves and some unusual symbols. 

Reaching into the her mother sewed into her dress the girl pulled out a small note book and quill and started drawing the symbols carefully on the thin paper. Soon she walked out of the tree and headed at the forest and going back to towards the field of daisy were she sat and looked over at the symbols wondering what could they mean? 

Getting lost in her thoughts a pare of small hands grabbed the book a boy with a handmade bow from twig and string held the book in his hands chuckling running towards the gate of the cottage 

"Hey give that back Gabriel" The girl said jolting up looking over at his direction

Gabriel chuckled "Not until you catch me little sister" he said heading inside 

The young girl growled and rushed towards the house openeding the gate and door. Entering the house there stood a lady dressed in white silk her brown hair drapped perfectly over her shoulders held the small note book in her hand. Gabriel was sitting at the wooden table. The girl looked at the women and then at Gabriel

"Gabriel darling do you have something to say to your little sister" The woman said looking at Gabriel

Gabriel got off from his seat and grabbed the book from her "I'm sorry for taking your book Glenda..." He said handing the book back to the small girl 

Glenda gently took the book "Thank you for returning it" she said gently giving her brother a hug 

The lady smiled at the two siblings "Now go get yourselves ready. Supper will be ready soon" 

They both nodded heading towards the bathroom 

The woman chuckled and laid out the table runner and get up the plates and cutlery smiling with glee. Soon placing the hot baked potatoes and bread in the centre of the table and took the chicken out from the oven filling the house with the smells of garlic and rosemary. She places it on the cutting board and sliced it evenly. 

Eventually a tall man entered the house with an axe in one hand and a bundle of fire wood in the other panting and looking tired he placed the wood by the fire place and his axe by the door taking off his coat and placing it on the rack soon smiling "Something sure smells good" He said with a smile going over to kiss with wife 

She smiled and softly kissed back "I've been cooking all day" she said with glee soon moving the chicken to the table

"Where are the little rascals" He said hearing two pairs of feet coming out from the bathroom. The two children came and hugged the tall man smiling and chuckling "Good to see you both two" 

They both smiled and soon took there seats taking the food from the table and started eating smiling happily

The mother sat next to her husband and started eating as well and soon looked at Glenda "Glenda darling. I saw what you wrote in your notebook. Where did you find that inscription" 

Glenda looked up placing the sliverwhere down and looked at her mother "I found it in the old Willow tree in the forest. Why do you ask mother" She spoke so sweetly 

She smiled "I ask this because there's a bunch old tales about the inscrption and that willow tree. My parents use to tell me them as a child" She said 

The father held his wife's hand smiling "It was actually the place where your mother and I met. How about once dinner is finished. You both get ready for bed and we'll tell you these tales" 

Glenda and Gabriel smiled and soon finished there dinner and got themselves ready for bed 

The two parents cleared the table and watched the sun set perfectly over the trees. Father wrapped his arms around her waist "You look so beautiful my darling Angel" He said resting his chin on her shoulder 

Angel looked at her husband and kissed his peek. Her lips were soft as the rain hitting against his skin "says my Hunter" She smiled 

Soon a sheet of black and blue drew over the forest showing the small lights twinkling in the sky making it a beautiful spring night 

An hour later 

Angel and Hunter  walked into the room of the two kids holding a handle stick holder with a signal burning candle the flame bright enough to see the two faces of the children 

They both sat up leaning against the wall and looked at there parents glowing faces 

Glenda soon paced her notebook to her mother and sat next to her listening in closely

Gabriel stayed near his dad 

The parents smiled at the two kids "Where shall we begin" Hunter asked 

"From the very beginning!" The kids said smiling with glee

Angel giggled and sat down next Glenda and looked at her, Hunter and, Gabriel "Alright Let's  begin with Elven Dance"

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