Comfort After Fights

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  WARNING AND DISCLAIMER: There is parents fighting and topics of domestic abuse and neglect. I have created these characters as your parents and obviously I'm not assuming your parental situation. 

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  "You know what? Fine! You can go sleep in a motel tonight you bastard!"

   -Please stop...-

   "Shut up! You're fucking ungrateful. I work all fucking day just to feed you and that leech you call a daughter. I pay the bills! You have no right to tell me where to sleep tonight,"

   "You have a responsibility to us! You're acting mental! You are EXACTLY like your father!"

   The sound of glass smashing could be heard from the kitchen.

   "What the hell is wrong with you?! You're a fucking asshole!"

   -Please, stop it. I'm scared.-


   Tears were streaming down your face. You were frozen in place until your phone began ringing. it startled you but you picked it up because it was Mikey.


   "Heyyyy Angel Ca- Wait... Angel Cakes, what's the matter? Are you okay?"

   "Please come get me. I'm at home... Please, I'm scared," You whimpered to the phone.

   "I'm on my way, just hang in there. I'm coming as fast as I can,"

   Mikey hung up and you stayed hiding beside your bed. Your parents began to yell louder and you heard a bang on the wall. The mother called your father a coward, then a loud slapping noise echoed through the entire apartment, followed by sobbing. You covered your ears and looked at your phone, about to call Mikey again, but heard the light tapping on the window. You made eye contact with your sweet boyfriend. He quietly opened the window and went by your side.

   "Hey, shhh... I'm here Angel Cakes. I'm here for you-,"


   Mikey flinched at the sudden yelling and picked you up in his arms, taking you out onto the fire escape. He carried you the rest of the way to the lair and didn't put you down until he was in the living room with you. He turned the TV on to any cartoon and sat next to you.

   "Is this okay? Do you want anything? Pizza? Comic book? There's a packet of ramen left..."

   "It's fine... I just can't be in that place. I just need a hug... please?"

   "Always hugs for you, Angel Cakes,"

   Mikey put his arms around you and kept you close to him. He watched the cartoon that was on the TV with you and waited until you stopped shaking to talk again, but you decided to talk first.

   "It was really bad today. They don't even talk to me anymore... My mom is spending more and more money on drinks and my dad's never home. They fight about it... every night. I haven't eaten a proper dinner since... since I made my own. It's always takeout... leftover takeout... microwave dinners... I feel sick,"

   Mikey kissed your head and let you continue.

   "Grampy's all I got, Mikey... He's not... He's not going to live forever. I'm scared, Mikey. I'm so scared,"

   Mikey let you cry and held you tighter. "Angel Cakes, I'm sorry this has been goin' on... I will always be here to hold you and watch cartoons with you. I'm going to keep you safe, okay?"

   You kissed his cheek and looked at his baby blues, feeling comforted by the sparkling colours and the freckles sprinked just underneath.

   "I love you, Mikey,"

   "I love you too,"

   Mikey softly stroked your hair for a few minutes before talking.

   "I didn't know it was that bad. I get upset when my brothers fight... but Splinter always deals with it and we get along again later,"

   "I wish my parents knew how to get along... or even just got a divorce,"

   Mikey let you rest your head on his shoulder as he thought of a response.

   "Hey... what if... what if you lived here? Splinter can take care of you and so can I. I can make you dinner and you can get a good nights sleep every night. You won't feel alone anymore. Splinter never leaves the lair, so you'll never have to be alone in the lair either,"

   "Mikey... it's... It's a nice offer, but I don't think anyone would want me to stay here, besides you. It's also not an easy request. I can't just pack up and leave my apartment..."

   "Why not?"

   "My parents would..."

   Well actually, now that you thought about it... Your parents probably wouldn't notice. Your mom was usually to drunk to remember seeing you leave the house usually and your dad always stayed out late. Grampy would be the first to notice, yet he didn't love with you.

   "What about school?"

   "You can still go to school,"

   You thought for moment. Was there really a reason not to move in? Was "too soon" a valid reason?

   "Mikey, I love you... but I don't think I'm ready to move in yet... although... if you can be sure that Splinter... and Raph don't mind-"

   "Angel cakes, don't worry about Raph. He promise me he'd start to try getting along with you. I know he'll think you're amazing when he gets to know that amazing personality of yours,"

   You blushed at his statement. "What about Splinter? He only really just met me... I don't think that he would want me to move in,"

   "I'll talk to him. I mean, who can say no to this face?"

   You laughed at admitted that he was incredibly adorable and hard to say no to.

   "Can you... can you ask Splinter if I can stay over tonight?"


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