Chapter 3

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The least I could do to make up for everything I did. The least I could do to make up for all the years that we lost. The least I could do for ruining you. The least I could do for loving you.

Ed gives him a devastated look, like his heart is breaking in two, like he can hardly believe his ears, and then suddenly Oswald is being hauled forward and Ed is kissing him like he never has before, hands gripping him tight but still so gentle. Oswald gasps and returns the kiss, holding on as Ed pieces him back together again, as he tastes the salt of Ed’s tears.

This is so not the time, who knows how far behind Bane and the rest of his men are, but Oswald is in pain and in love and he needs this more than he needs air to breathe. Ed seems to feel the same way, unable to let go, hands roaming everywhere he can reach, as if he doesn’t believe Oswald is even real.

What feels like hours later (it can’t have been that long, they don’t have that kind of time), Ed breaks the kiss, if only to pull him into a desperate embrace, wrapping his arms securely around his shoulders.

Oswald,” he groans, clutching him tighter, careful not to hurt him. “Why did you do that, little bird? Don’t you know how much I need you? If anything were to happen to you…” He trails off, and pulls back enough to meet his gaze, more tears sliding down his face. Oswald reaches up with his free hand and wipes them away.

“I love you, Ed. I needed you to be safe.” 

He didn’t even think.
It was instinctual, a split second decision cut into a thousand pieces. Oswald remembers now. He had to jump in front of that grenade, remembers the feeling of time slowing down and his mind screaming at him to protect Ed oh God don’t let him die because what world would be worth it if it didn’t have Edward Nygma?

How could he go on without waking up to his partner in crime, life, love every morning, without seeing him beside every night as he went to sleep?

What would life be like without Ed’s manic smiles and bloodstained hands and clever mind?

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