chapter 16

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(a/n p.o.v)

They all walk in and go to the living area a maid  come to them and take their bags exept y/n and then moonyoung came in to hug  y/n.

Minyoung: oh y/n where have you been

Y: i said im with my friend

Minyoung: but who is she you said she is a gurl

Y: oh yeji . Yeji is her name mom

Jk: what she is your friend?

Y: yeah why?

Jk: she is not the type of a gurl that will just gonna go and be friends with others and you just go in school in just a week. how can you both be friends already?

Y: idk..i think becuz she knows that I'm am worth it not like others

Jk: ughh whatever

Y: mom can i go home now im tired i want to rest you both can stay here

Y: no. If mom want to stay here its ok she doesn't need to come home with me

Minyoung: but how about your food

Y: i can do it mom bye i had to go, seee you!!!!

She then left

Minyoung: oh gosh that girl what can i do to her don't worry she gonna be fine

Minyoung: i hope

At the brothers
(still a/n p.o.v)

Namjoon: yoongi do you already got a background check from mrs.park and y/n?

Yoongi: yeah my man just sent me it

Jin: what do you find?

Yoongi: just living in a gangnam back then mrs.park have a simple job and y/n taking part time job after school and y/n's friends bp

Jimin: bp? Who is that

Yoongi: its a group of gurl i think its the 4 girl that y/n always with they transfered  when y/n transfered too i think they are very close

Jin: i think that's great anything more?

Yoongi: y/n already told to us this mr.park died in a car crush

J-hope: that's really sad

Tae: your mother died too i mean ours why are you just sad for her  and not us?

J-hope: becuz i know how painful it is and you know it too bro

Namjoon: he's got a point

Jin: lets just go sleep we still have to go at school tomorrow

Then they all sleep

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