Chapter 1

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I walked through the Slytherin common room as I heard Blaise call my name, I turned to see Blaise and Pansy rushing over to me with angry faces "Where were you at breakfast today you promised you would come today!" Pansy said, holding a warm plant of food."It's fine okay!" I said as I started to walk to be bedroom

I stepped into the room and locked my door just for Blaise to unlock it with a simple spell. "Eat some food!" Blaise said as he tried to shove a full spoon of grits in my mouth. "IM NOT HUNGRY!" I opened the window and I heard Pansy sequel in worry, "Where are you going?" Blaise ran up and tried to grab me as I simply dodge in response.

"Isn't it obvious," I rolled my eyes as I stood at the as the edge of the window. "Outside!" I fell out the window almost care free even when I knew inside I will never really be free from all my problems.

I summed my broom as I took of into the sky. I stared doing tricks like standing on my broom and flipping in midair. I shot straight up as I feel the cool winter air in my face I feel free.

I shot up directly into the sky as I let go of my broom, and jumped.


I looked out the window in deep thought until I seen someone doing tricks on their broom stick. And I am not going to lie it was really impressive to see how the did it so graceful and like they had no care in the world. But as I looked more closely I could see a familiar blond hair.

DRACO? Now I am more worried than amazed for the boys life. I grabbed my coat and rushed to the window I was staring at before. I summed my broom and pulled out my wand. "Where are you going?" Hermione asked as she pulled on her coat. "For a flight."

I jumped out the window and stayed close to the ground couldn't be seen.


I flew towards the Forbidden Forest as I landed my broomstick. I hummed a tone that was stuck in my head. Something isn't right, I can feel it... My heart rate speed up as I continued walking on the narrow path.


I turn almost instantly, but clearly not fast enough. I got pushed onto the ground by someone face I can't see, but as they slowly turn I can see a Slytherin scarf. I look for anything noticeable but I don't think I seen him before. Maybe at the lunch table but...

I tried to stand up but he put his wand to my throat and said "Don't Move Or I Will Blast You Right In Your Neck!" I didn't move or breath. He had a low and deep voice that made me shiver. I felt him breathing on my neck as he move his hand around my body.

He came close to my lips but as he tried to kiss me I bit him. "You little!" He grabbed my neck and forcefully kissed me. He tried to put his tongue in my mouth but I didn't open my mouth. I can see how irritated he was but I didn't dare to show my smirk.

He pushed me down on the ground and my wand flew out my hand. SHIT. A smirk slowly came upon his face as he started to unzip my pants. "No," I pleaded "No please!" I started to kick but all he did was get a wider smile.

He pined me to the ground and started to lick my neck. "Stop," I said, with tears coming out of my eyes "please.." I heard a cold laughing from below me and I started to kick everything in my path. My pants where now off and I really was freaking out.

I felt something touch my dick and I panicked... Then I felt a hand... "STOP,"I yelled completely out of control. I tried to run but I just got punched in my stomach, and besides the grip he had on me was to strong for me to go anywhere..

The man then got a top of me and unzipped his pants... I felt something! What was that?! Wait.. NO! I kicked the man off of me and I tried to grab my wand just to get chocked on the ground.

"TAKE IT OUT IT HURTS!" I yelled kicking wildly everywhere, but the man just whispered something in my ear "Virgin, huh?" I started kicking even harder. I heard a cold laughing



I walked into the Forbidden Forest as I heard muffled voices. But then I heard crying. Someone was crying?!

I hid behind a near by tree as I heard sobbing and yelling. But when I looked I seen a man and Draco crying.


I quickly pulled out my wand and blasted the man who held Draco. I grabbed Draco's wand, broom and him and climbed onto my broomstick with him in my lap sobbing. And I started to head back to Hogwarts.

I climbed back into the window I left out of and rubbed the boy's back. Hermione all of a sudden bust into the room and said "HARRY POTTER WE WHERE DO WORRIED ABOUT YOU,"

She looked at Draco crying on my lap, who crying louder than before and said "Why is Malfoy here, and why is he crying?"

Hope you like chapter 1
Word count:949 words

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