Chapter 19

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Chrono and his group looked at the army in front of them. "So do you think you guys can let us pass?" Chrono asked them. "Kill them!" The demon army shouted.

Romeo, Miwa and Enishi got in battle stances as Chrono looked at the army. He sighed then remembered how Leon and the others are suffering. "You know I just wanted to let you off..."

Miwa and Enishi looked at Chrono "There coming guys!" Romeo shouted as he lit his hands on fire getting ready to attack the army that was coming to attack them.

Chrono clutched his fist tightly and gritted his teeth as well. He was feeling so much emotions right now. Anger, regret, useless, hatred and other emotions he hated feeling all of those so much right now.

"But then I remembered what your buddy did to my friends. And how your boss almost killed our guild master Aichi." Chrono says as his body was surrounded by a red aura. Romeo noticed this 'This is almost like Aichi's...!' Romeo thought.

Miwa and Enishi eyes widen "Chrono! Calm down you can't fully control it!" Miwa shouted as Enishi nodded "Don't be stupid! You can't use it!" Enishi shouted at Chrono.

Chrono clutched his fist tighter "Everyone is fighting. They hurt our friends to the point they can't even move or talk right. Both Leon and Laxus are suffering far worse because of them!I'm not gonna let them do as they please!" Chrono told them.

"Not anymore."

Red aura was around Chrono as he clutched his fist still. He gave the army a very deadly glare "I don't care if I lose control as long as these guys get what they deserved." Chrono says with such determination.

Romeo looked at Chrono with a shocked expression then he too remembered how Laxus and the thunder legion was like. He even thought about Leon and the twins.

"Chrono right. They hurt our friends and they destroyed our guilds. They killed the Magic council, they harmed innocent people. They even nearly killed Aichi with that blast. We can't let them off with just a warning." Romeo agrees with Chrono.

Miwa and Enishi clutched their fist, they felt the same way but it was too dangerous for Chrono to use that magic especially for Chrono himself. Aichi has been helping him control it but he doesn't have full control yet.

Leon, Sharlene and Jillian faces appeared in Miwa and Enishi minds of how their suffering. They even remembered how innocent people almost got hurt and how Aichi almost died. "Your right. We can't hold back and let these guys off." Miwa says.

Enishi nodded "We have to do everything in our power to beat them! We can't afford to lose this battle." Enishi says as Chrono and Romeo smiled.

"Let's beat these demons and their armies up!" Chrono shouted as they all nodded "Right!" They shouted as they glared at the enemies "You think you can beat us." One of them says.

Miwa smirked at them "Of course we do and we'll prove it here and now! Laser Beams Of Hell." Miwa chanted as dark red laser beams came out and started hitting the enemies.

Silver claws appeared on both of Enishi hands "Scharhrot Vampir Claws." Enishi chanted as he immediately started cutting down his enemies. "Gyaaahhh!! How are they this powerful!"

Chrono lifted his right arm up "Give Me The Sword Of The Time Beast's!" Chrono chanted as a Golden and Silver sword appeared in his hand with a red aura.

He glared and ran to the demon army "Freeze Them." Some of the demon army men were frozen in time now. Chrono won't let them get away with what they have done to his friends at all.

Chrono swung his sword as he slashed the ones that are frozen in time. "Do not underestimate me no all of us humans! We will beat you and those demons of Zeref." Chrono told the demon army.

"Rainbow Flame!" Romeo chanted as he threw a colorful flame at some of the demon army guys. "We're not weak!" Romeo shouted at them.

To Shion And His Group

Shion turned around "That's Chrono magic..." Shion whispered as Alzack and Yukino looked at him. "Shion who's magic is that?" Yukino asked as he looked at them.

Bisca and Alzack child Asaka was hiding in Alzack clothes.

"It's Chrono magic. We never told you this Yukino but Aichi and Chrono both possess the aura's. So Aichi's been helping Chrono but he still can't control it well."

Yukino looked at Shion in shock. She wondered why Aichi never told her at all. Alzack was shocked "So he's like the second strongest?" He asked Shion.

Shion closed his eyes trying to think of a answer. "Yeah I guess he is like the second strongest." Shion answers Alzack "But at the same time he can be the weakest."

Both Alzack and Yukino looked at each other then laughed at that. Even Shion laughed but they stopped as they felt a strong presence "Who's there!" Alzack shouted as he got his guns ready.

Yukino grabbed a key and Shion was getting in a battle stance. "Hehe it's just you pathetic guilds." The figure came out as the figure seems to move his body around.

Shion glared at it "Who are you! Are you one of Zeref demons?!" Shion shouted as the figured laughed at that "Yes. You are certainly right human boy. You are pretty smart for a pathetic human." He told them.

All three of them glared at the demon. "I guess we're gonna have to beat you for calling us pathetic! Not for just that but for trying to destroy everything." Alzack tells him and the demon just laughed.

"Let's see about that. I am Franmalth, one of the nine demon books of Zeref."

Shion summoned his sword already, Yukino chanted "Now Open Gate Of The Balance! Libra!" Libra appeared as she was the zodiac of the balance. "We will take you down and take Tartaros down with you." Shion tells Franmalth.

To be continued

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