Chapter 1

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Megia Trifta Asra, the future of Syframy!


*This is  Etenaru the demon world*

*We demons are a immortal, female only race*

*For years we lifed in peace, only having to fight the monsters that roam around Etenaru , which meant that we weren't really familiar with the concept of death at the time*

*That changed when the two most influential organizations both wanted to take Etenaru under their control and the first war of Etenaru ensued*

*The war drove our race closer and closer to extinction, until the order of the silver rose assassinated the leaders of the two organizations and gained control over the capital*

*They founded the first demon high council, which normal people couldn't join*

*But we had a bigger problem than them at the time*

*Only around 10.000 demons were left.
So, the council had to find a solution if they didn't want the people to Rebell against them, so they appointed Tarsa Vertiga, the most skilled Syfra of her time, to find a way to save our race*

*She created a portal to Labilis, the human world and discovered that male humans are compatible with demons*

*She and the demon high council quickly started to construct more and more portals.
So more than half of the demon population fled to Labilis to found a family of their own and soon the first hybrids where born*

*Hybrids are interesting, some take on all the demonic traits of their mother, and others are supposed to be  indistinguishable from other humans*

*The demon population exploded in Labilis, but the demon high council wasn't too happy with the fact that most demons just stayed with their families.
So in an act of desperation a new law was created, that forbid demons to start a family in Labilis*

*They threatened to hurt their families if they didn't return.
Today we call this law the blood rose decree, because  of the horrible acts committed by the council's forces against their own people, just because they didn't want to leave*

*It hurts to think about all of this*

*This heart-breaking, family destroying law was removed after the new monarch of Labilis threatened the council, but the damage that it caused could never be undone and this behaviour had already become a part of demon and human society*

*By that point, the demon race had fully recovered and reproducing wasn't really important anymore*

*But this kind of “nut and go attitude” and the way of seeing sex as a simple tool for reproduction, without the need to reproduce led to humans and demons experimenting with each other and thus created a new industry*

*Prostitution, in Etenaru we call it Sentris*

*It quickly rose to be the top grossing industry in Etenaru, and social life started to shift*

*Sentra's where becoming extremely wealthy, accumulating more wealth than the council itself*

*The council tried to get a hold of their wealth by implementing heavy takes for sentras. Aaand the sentra's made their own faction and staged an successful coup*

*The new demon council quickly realised that they could get even wealthier by doing the same as the old demon council, taxing the other industries*

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