Chapter 1

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Two years later

The trickle of water sounded as it fell down the small rocky hill, forming a thin waterfall before combining with the stream below. The cold liquid gently caressed a young woman's feet while she hunted for fish, her dark blue eyes watching for any sign of movement. Before she could capture the scaly creature, she was shoved to the side, causing her to lose her footing. With a yell of anger, she splashed into the water, her clothes becoming soaked.

"Shit, I only meant to ruin your catch!"

She let out a soft growl, shoving the young man's hand away, "You are a dick."

"Awe, come on, you should have known I would do this."

She gave him a playful glare before yanking him down, causing him to fall into the deeper part of the stream. They both laughed while splashing water at each other, forgetting about their dinner currently swimming away from them. Once they finally calmed down, she looked up in alarm, pouting when she realized they had scared the fish off.

"Well, now look! You scared away our dinner!"

"Are you sure? They could have seen your face."

"We're twins, you idiot. You have the same face, just male form."

Flipping her off, he sighed as he pulled himself onto a rock, "Why don't we just buy fish from the market?"

"I wanted to catch fish today; it's more fun than walking through the store."

Her brother rolled his eyes, "Fallon, it's 2021, not 1721."

"And yet we're still hiding among the humans, and The Order uses horses to get around rather than cars."

"Hey, that's their choice, and would humans honestly accept us if we showed them what we are? I can already imagine the scientists wanting to experiment on us."

Fallon narrowed her eyes at her brother, knowing he had her there. Then, sighing, she stood up and began making her way up the side of the stream. Her brother quickly followed, knowing they should get home soon or their mother would have their heads despite being adults. Even at their age now, their mother was still protective over them.

"Market fish it is," Fallon sighed. "Not as fresh."

Her brother chuckled, "You'll survive. Oh, did you hear of the next meeting we have to attend?"

"I'm assuming that means we must wear nice clothing, per usual."

"Unfortunately, at least they have great food."

Fallon raised an eyebrow, "So, why are you telling me this? What is different about this meeting compared to others?"

"Alpha Orpheus is attending."

"As in the destroyer of lives?" She scoffed. "That's surprising, I wouldn't think he'd show his face after all the packs he has destroyed."

"As if he's guilty about murdering those people."

She shrugged, once again falling into silence as they neared their home. A few pups sprinted past them as they played, tumbling over each other and jumping into the mud. Fallon couldn't help but laugh as their mothers watched on with horrified faces, knowing they'd have to bathe these little monsters later. She would sometimes wish she could be that young again, ignorant to the daily struggles she deals with as a young woman. She scrunched up her nose as she thought over her conversation with her mother earlier this morning, loathing what her mother had told her.

"You'll have to find a mate, Fallon. The Order will not allow you to lead a pack as a lone female."

"Sexist pigs," she thought silently, trying her best not to show her anger.

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