Chapter 2

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Sunlight poured through the mall's windows as Fallon strolled through, quietly sipping on her drink while her friend babbled away. She was only partially listening to her, her mind more focused on her conversation with her mother the previous night. While she still despised Orpheus for his actions, she was captivated by the stories about him. In all her years visiting The Order, attending meetings, and introducing herself to all the other Alphas, she had never seen Orpheus. He wouldn't show his face anywhere unless needed; other than that, he remained within his territory. He was hidden as if locked away from everyone in the outside world. It was intriguing to her.


Blinking, she turned towards her friend, giving her a sheepish grin. "Sorry, I wasn't paying attention."

"I can see that. Are you okay? You have been a little more...on edge for this conference."

Biting her bottom lip, she decided to be honest with Freya. She didn't fully comprehend why she was anxious about this upcoming meeting. Maybe it was the fact she'll have to introduce herself to Orpheus or that she's required to get to know the young men for a potential mate. Either way, it awakens her social anxiety, causing her brain to run wild. However, she loathed needing to admit that to anyone. Releasing a breath, she prepared herself to explain her recent attitude change.

"I'm not sure why I'm nervous, to be honest," she voiced.

Freya frowned, "Is it because of the whole mate thing?"

"Maybe? It could be that Alpha Orpheus will be there."

Freya almost choked on her smoothie as she stopped, giving Fallon a wide-eyed glance. Fallon nodded to her quiet question, confirming that she'll be meeting the mysterious Alpha.

"So, the guy who has destroyed several packs is showing his face?"

she gasped, still not believing it.

Fallon shrugged, "Apparently. I don't know why I'm nervous meeting him; I always get like this when it comes to seeing new people."

"Social anxiety that you have had since I've known you."

"I shouldn't have that, though. I'm the daughter of an Alpha and a high-ranking female warrior. So I should be confident."

"Fallon, anxiety doesn't pick and choose who it affects," Freya started, giving her friend a comforting smile. "Just because your parents are sociable people doesn't mean you are too."

"I feel like I should be," she whispered.

She couldn't help but feel ashamed; what Alpha has anxiety? While she's able to push it to the back of her mind most of the time, it still sits there, festering until becoming too much. She knew she should consider seeing a therapist, but mental health wasn't a huge concern in her world. She couldn't precisely explain her situation to a human therapist without raising some questions and possibly earning a crazy diagnosis.


She stopped as Freya suddenly put her arm out, causing her almost to stumble forwards. She was ready to scold her when she saw the stunned expression Freya wore, her eyes shining with desire.

"What are you staring at? You're practically drooling," she grumbled.

Freya coughed awkwardly before grabbing her by the chin and forcing her to look ahead. Furrowing her eyebrows, she couldn't see what exactly was driving her friend mad until she noticed him. He was tall, his skin an olive color, his hair a beautiful black, and his jaw a perfect square shape. The man was handsome as if the gods themselves sculpted him.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 08, 2021 ⏰

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