June's POV: 

The week that had followed me getting out of the hospital was disorienting to say the least, and despite everyone's protests, I decided to go back to school. I think the thing that worried my friends and family the most was that it was easy to tell that I didn't have that spark in me anymore. I barely had any motivation to write songs or practice with the band. 
I also wasn't surprised that no one, aside from my friends, family, and the people over seeing my case, believed me about what I said happened the night of the dance. I just wished that I wasn't essentially being bullied for it.
"Hey." James said as he looked down at me, I could clearly see the worry in his eyes. This was how he had been looking at me since I started going back to school. "You okay?" 
I shrugged as I gave his hand a squeeze. "Yeah. I'm fine." 
As James put his arm over my shoulders and held me against his side, a group of girls passed us. I could hear that they were gossiping about me, this was also nothing new. I had unfortunately gotten used to it. "Can you believe what she said about Mike? It's total bullshit, he would never do that." 
Another one of them giggled as she looked at me. "I bet she did it willingly, and she's covering up for it by saying he raped her." 
The only blonde in their ranks shot a glare in my direction, causing me to shrink back and press myself against James. "And if he did, can you blame him? Just look at the dress she was wearing at the dance. June was practically begging for it." 
I looked up at James as I squeezed his hand as hard and tight as I could. I couldn't get my mind to cooperate with me, I felt panic rising up in me and I couldn't get it to stop, or even slow down. I pulled him down to my level so that I could whisper in his ear. "Can we go? I don't wanna do this today." 
James nodded as he reached over to rub my arm, trying to calm me down as he whispered back. "Of course. I'll have Ben call us out." He kissed my temple before he stepped away from me to wave our group over. 
Dawn took it upon herself to take my books from me so that she could do my school work for today. I told her that that wasn't really necessary, that I could do it myself, but she didn't take no for an answer. 
I was thankful when Ben and I's parents called us out for school, and was even more thankful when James's did the same for him. Soon, we were at a local pub. As we sat down, I closed my eyes and laid my head on his shoulder. I felt tired, no matter how much I slept, I always woke up tired. I also felt guilty for not contributing to the band as much as I use to, I felt guilty for making everyone worry about me, and, lastly, I felt guilty for not telling anyone how I was truly feeling, even though I was sure that they could all see it clearly on my face. 
I had grown so attached to James that, at this point, I was scared of what would happen if he suddenly decided to leave me. When I was alone, I found myself thinking about just ending it all. It was because of this, that I made sure that I was almost never alone. 
"Love," James said softly as he gently shook my shoulder. "What do you want to eat and drink?" 
I raised head and blinked at the bar tender as I took my wallet out of my backpack to get my ID. "Just a double shot rum and coke. I'm not feeling very hungry." 
Ben ordered an appetizer plater for the three of us to share while the bar tender checked my ID to make sure that I was at least eighteen. As we waited for our food and drink, I leaned my head back on James's shoulder and closed my eyes again, with my hand in his once more. 
At least I had a safe space in James.
James's POV:  

I gently ran my thumb over her knuckles and leaned my head against hers. Every now and then, when our food and drink showed up, she raised her head to sip her rum and coke, and ate a couple chips before she laid her head back down against my shoulder. 
I had noticed her behavioral changes, how she moved and spoke differently, how she started to dress in baggier and baggier clothing. I knew that it was all in an attempt to not get noticed. 
In the end, when we finished our drinks, Ben asked for a box for the food we didn't eat and we left the pub, deciding to go to the mall. I hoped that maybe it would bring some sort of light back to her eyes. 
But instead, she walked stonily between Ben and I, still keeping her hand in mine as she glanced at her favorite stores but she didn't move to go into any of them. It honestly broke my heart to watch. 
I looked at Ben and nodded toward him as I gently pulled June toward a set of benches. I felt like it was time that I checked in to see how she was really feeling. Once I had her sat down on one of the benches, I knelt down in front of her with a hand on one of her knees. "Hey, we can leave if you want." 
June nodded as she blinked and rubbed at her eyes. "I'm fine.. I'm just tired." She said as she looked down at me. 
I sighed as I reached up to cup her cheek, letting my thumb gently run over her cheekbone. "June," I said in gently. "I know you're not doing okay." 
She closed her eyes as she leaned forward and rested her forehead against mine. "No... I'm not okay..." She finally admitted. "They had all the evidence they needed, and he got off because he's a spoiled brat."  I felt her tears fall on my face as she started to cry. "And what makes it worse is that if I wasn't a slut, this wouldn't have happened." 
I shook my head as I continued to stroke her cheekbone with my thumb. "Hey... None of this is your fault. I know it feels like it is, but I can promise you that it isn't." 
June sniffed as she reached up and held my head between her hands as her fingers weaved into my hair. "You promise?" 
I pressed a light kiss against her lips. "I promise, June." I helped to back to her feet and held her against my chest as she cried. "I promise." I repeated as I kissed the top of her head and her arms now wrapped themselves around my middle. 
As I held her, Ben slowly made his way over to us. I gently rocked us back and forth. It was in this moment, that I swore I'd kill that son of a bitch if he ever came near her again. 
Ben's POV: 

Watching how June had been behaving the last week or so, I had already decided that I'd have to keep a closer eye on her. Which is why, while James was talking to her, I had been on the phone with our parents, trying to convince them to let me bring June along with me when I moved into Danny's place. 
In the end, they were okay with it, just as long as she was. As I approached the pair, I shoved my phone back into my back pocket and cleared my throat. "Hey, I've been talking to Mum and Dad, and Danny," I said as June stepped away from James. "And we'd like you to move in with Danny and I." 
June sniffed as she wiped at her nose with the sleeve of her jumper. "Really?" 
"Yeah. Is that something you'd be interested in?" 
She thought about this for moment before she gave me a faint smile. "Yeah, I'd like that." 
"Then it's settled." I said with a grin. "You're moving in." And that, we left the mall to help June pack what she would want to bring into the apartment. 
This was the best way we all could keep an eye on her, just until she was feeling better. And God only knew when that would be. 

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