Your fault

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A/N: I may or may not be re watching Rainbow high right now. Yes. Re watching. ALSO BRO I FORGOT HOW GOOD LAST NIGHT BY THE VAMPS WAS. Damn, I used to be obsessed with them bro. 

*TW: Homophobia, panic attack. It's a pretty...rough chapter- so keep that in mind please and stay safe I love you all:)

Dream's POV:

"Clay!?" I turned around immediately and nearly fell off the couch. "Mom?!?" I shouted, George stood up immediately. "Oh my god," he muttered. "WHAT IF DRISTA HAD WALKED IN!" She shouted, which made me jump a little. "I'm so sorry Mrs-" George started but she cut him off. "AND IN MY HOUSE!?! I trusted you to be responsible with George here Clay! It's bad enough that we let this, boy, in our house! Think about what your father would say about this!" I cringed and stared down at my feet. 

I was mortified, completely, and the nervous pit in my stomach that's been there since I first discovered eyeliner and trashy pop-punk music, all seemed to...explode, or something. "Mom!" I shouted back because when I get nervous I act's a gnarly habit of mine. I cringed though because I sounded so angsty it made me want to punch my face. She scowled. "Don't say that to me right now! You are so irresponsible! You're supposed to be an example for your sister, Clay! But you're kissing boys on our couch like that!" I rolled my eyes. "She's 14, mom, she's not a fucking kid!" I shouted. I fucking hate it more than anything when she treats Drista like some kid who can't do shit for herself. Drista hates it too, which is probably why it bothers me so much, but I'd never tell Drista that.

"Clay! Watch your language with me, young man!" She said in a stern voice that gave me shivers. "I'm calling your father, this is ridiculous!" I scoffed and stepped forward. "If I were kissing a girl you wouldn't be acting like this!" She rolled her eyes. "Don't even bring up that with me, Clay!" I smirked a little. "Because you know it's right! You're only awful to me because you're homophobic, and you're terrified of one of you're beautiful little kids being gay!" She stayed silent and pulled her phone out then left the room, George put his hand on my shoulder, and my mom noticed, which made me feel nauseous again. 

"And you! We let you into our home and gave you a place to live! So you can either choose my son, or this house! If it's my son, then you can leave." 

I grabbed my mom's wrist gently and glared at her so intensely that I was scared I would do something regrettable. "Mom. I've done some messed up shit to people after they treated George badly. So I swear to god, say one more thing to him, and I'm leaving." She covered her mouth, then put her phone up to her ear while staring at me, and left slowly. The weight on my chest immediately lifting when she was gone and I could hug George. 

Someone told him to get out of their house before, and hearing my mom say it to him as well made me feel so incredibly fucking angry then I nearly screamed at her.

"Hey, come here," George pulled me into a hug, holding onto the back of my neck while I felt tears claw at my eyelids. I wouldn't let myself cry though, not in front of George right now. "I have to leave, you know I do," I broke down after he said this, collapsing to the ground while still holding so tightly onto his hand that my fingers started to tingle. "George..." I started, but he knelt down and hugged me, then pulled away and lifted my head with his hand. "If I don't it'll only make things harder for you." I stared up and him and pressed my forehead against his. "Please, don't go," I whispered, and felt one of his tears drop onto my cheek. "Clay, you can't say that to me or I'll never leave you," I tried to smile, but it hurt like hell too. 

"Good, that's the point," he laughed a little, but it was filled with sadness. The kind of laugh your body makes you do because it knows how much you care for that person, even if your heart wants you to run away from them. "We can go somewhere else, we'll get an apartment together, or something!" I said, trying to convince him not to let go of me right now. "Didn't you hear her Dream! It's you, or a place to stay!" I nodded. "So pick me! Or the house, that way I can at least hold you at night if it hurts too bad to be cold," He shook his head side to side. "That won't be fair, Dream. I can't take you away from your family, and I can't stay here knowing how much I love you," 

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