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"Mornin' JJ," John B said throwing him a can of beer

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"Mornin' JJ," John B said throwing him a can of beer. JJ lay sprawled out across the couch with a blanket draped lazily over his half-naked body. He moaned tiredly in response, catching the can weakly. John B looked around the kitchen for something to eat but all of the bread was mouldy and the fruit and vegetables rotting. Groaning, he made a mental note to go grocery shopping later as he flopped onto the couch next to JJ who took a swig of the beer he passed him. 

"Heard the Prices came back from their trip today," He said leaning back on the dusty couch. "And?" JJ said, running a hand through his long blonde hair, staring up at the roof of the Château. "Just thought you'd like to know" They sat in silence for a few minutes, the wind outside getting stronger as the leaves brushed against the roof. "John B, don't you have that interview with DCS or some shit tomorrow?" he asked changing the subject.

"Don't remind me" He grumbled, standing up and tugging the rest of the blanket off of JJ who flinched at the sudden coldness. "Dude!" He said annoyed, pulling his body closer to himself for any kind of warmth. "C'mon, we need to buy more food,"


"Yo Han, open the door" A deep voice called outside. Tiredly rubbing her eyes Hannah turned her head to the side to see Robin knocking on the glass door. Sighing, she pulled herself off of the couch to let him in. Robin chuckled, ruffling her hair playfully. Pushing him away she walked into the mini kitchen and started making herself a cup of coffee as he lay down on the bed waiting for her. Once the kettle boiled she poured the boiling water into her mug as well as some milk and walked over to the bed.

Robin had an arm resting behind his head as support while his other arm draped lazily over his face. He was wearing an unbuttoned blue Hawaiian shirt and beige cargo shorts. "You slept in pretty late," He said turning his head to her, "What do you mean? It's like 9." Robin laughed, "Check the time genius." Hannah furrowed her eyebrows, grabbed her phone from the charger turning on the screen which showed the time. "1:30." She read out, dropping the phone onto the couch, and leaning back which a heavy groan. 

"Wanna watch a movie?" He asked her, grabbing the tv remote before she could reply and immediately putting on Pirates of the Caribbean. "Robin, did you come here just to watch Johnny Depp?" She asked with a smug smile on her face. "I don't have Disney Plus, ok? That shits expensive," He defended making her laugh. "You literally live in a mansion, can't you just ask your parents to pay for it?" Her question made him shake his head, "No because when I asked them they argued they were already paying for Netflix and if I was that desperate I could get a job. And you know how much I despise working." He ranted, "I do now," She laughed, both focusing their attention back on the movie.


Once the movie had come to an end Robin left leaving the girl by herself, pondering on what to do. It was only 4 which meant she had about three hours till dinner. "Damn," She muttered under her breath as she looked outside. The sky turned grey with storm clouds and wind blowing roughly through the trees. Hannah quickly grabbed an oversized sweatshirt and slid on a pair of sandals before opening the glass sliding door leading out into the backyard. Sirens blared in the distance as she ran up the balcony stairs and slid open the glass doors leading into the lounge room.

There was a large dining table in the middle of the large room, the kitchen to the left, and the tv and couch to the right.

Further down at the front of the house, north of Hannah led to the foyer where two large staircases on either side of the room led to the second floor where all of the bedrooms and studies were. "Oi Em, have you seen mum?" She asked Emmet who just shrugged his shoulders, not looking up from his book. Rolling her eyes she shifted her gaze to Theo who was doing chin-ups on the pullup bar. 

"Theo?" He let go of the bar and dropped to the ground, grabbed a nearby towel and wrapped it around his neck walking toward her, motioning to pass him the bottle of water on the table. Rolling her eyes she picked it up and threw it to him, crossing her arms over her chest, tapping her feet on the floor impatiently. After taking a long swig of the water he brushed the towel over his face and pointed up. "She's in her study" Nodding, she turned on her feet to go upstairs when suddenly she felt a pair of strong, sweaty arms pull her back.

Theo wrapped his arm around her shoulders pulling her closer to him. "God you're so tense all the time, you gotta loosen up some more." Hannah gagged internally at the amount of sweat he was rubbing on her. "Ew, get off of me, you reek of B.O," She whined disgusted, pushing him away. Once he let go of her she rushed upstairs to my mum's study. After knocking a couple of times she heard a muffled 'Come in' from the other side of the door and opened it.

A few manikins were spread around the room, all wearing different types of lingerie. A woman was sitting behind a desk, her glasses sitting high up on her nose. Hannah walked over to her and kissed her on the cheek, leaning on the back of her chair. "What do you think of crimson red for this design?" She asked, showing her sketches with a colour pallet. "Hmm..." she hummed in thought, pointing to a different colour. "Crimson red is a nice colour but I think an Oxford blue would fit better," She smiled up at her daughter, nodding in agreement, and coloured in her sketch in the dark blue she had suggested.

Hannah's mum was a lingerie designer, She constantly received calls from people all around the world for custom orders and was very popular in Europe at the moment. Which was one of the main reasons for their vacation. Marylin had a business trip in Italy for four days and decided to take her family with her and stay in Europe for a couple of weeks while she worked.

"Did you hear about Agatha?" Hannah asked, sitting on her mother's desk. "Yeah I did, all of the new fabric I ordered is going to be delayed by two weeks! can you believe it?" She complained throwing her hands in the air. Hannah shook her head, rolling her eyes at her mother's overreaction. "Hey Ma, do you know where dad is?" She asked shifting feet nervously. "I think he's at the Cameron's helping Ward out," She answered blandly, not looking up from her desk. 

Hannah hummed in response, pushing herself off of the desk and walking downstairs to the front door and down the street where people were running around frantically. Hannah tied her hair in a ponytail as best as she could as the wind whipped through her hair. After 12 minutes she arrived at the Cameron's house where many people rushed around getting ready for the hurricane.

Hannah was greeted by a tight hug from Sarah who giggled playfully. "God I've missed you!" She said happily pulling her inside of the house. "Me too!" They chatted for a little bit before two male voices came into the room. "Thanks for all the help Josh, I really appreciate it," Ward said to Hannah's dad, "Any time Ward."

"Hey Dad," She said standing up to hug him. "Hey hun, what are you doing here?" He asked confused, hugging her back. "Mum said you'd be here so I thought I'd also see Sarah." He nodded in response, saying his final goodbyes to Ward and all the workers before we got into the car to drive home. After a quick 5 minutes drive they arrived in the large driveway, Josh parked in front of the house. Both walked inside to be greeted with the amazing aroma of Marylin's cooking.

They both hungrily walked into the dining room where all the boys were sitting with Marylin serving dinner. Everyone grabbed a meat patty and started making themselves a burger while Hannah grabbed the veggie patty since she was vegetarian. Everyone chatted about their day and how bad everyone thinks hurricane Agatha will hit and how much damage she's going to cause. Marylin and Josh managed to get into another argument so Hannah excused herself from the table, stacked all the dishes in the dishwasher and grabbed a packet of Doritos before saying goodnight to everyone. 

She ran through the muddy, wet backyard as fast as possible to avoid getting wet from the heavy rainfall. Once safely inside she closed the blinds, turned on the heater, and lay on her bed scrolling through Instagram. When the Doritos were finished she got up to have a nice, relaxing hot shower. After changing into her silk pyjamas she switched all of the lights off and climbed into bed tiredly. Thunder roared throughout the night, lightning flashing in the sky and the wind howling through the trees.



Word Count: 1611

𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭 𝐬𝐭𝐚𝐧𝐝. jj maybankWhere stories live. Discover now