Chapter 1

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Come on, Wynd, think! Where would it be?

With a huff of annoyance, Wynd continued to search in the thick jungle brush surrounding her tree. She weaved around tall ferns and peaked behind bushes, searching.

A rush of grey halted her in her tracks and she looked around urgently, alert.

Again, but closer.

This time, she ran after it.

The brush flew past her as she chased, the grey and white tail just inches from her grasp. They zig-zagged between trees for several seconds before Wynd leaped for it.

She grabbed fur along the flank and clung on for dear life as the wolf started circling, snapping at it's captor.

With a grunt, Wynd dodged the attack and pushed the wolf towards the ground, using her legs as support as she attempted to pin it down.

But the wolf wasn't having it. With a sudden twist, the wolf managed to loosen Wynd's grip on it and leaped to its paws, snarling menacingly as it crouched for a counterattack.

Wynd was ready.

As the wolf pushed itself off the ground and into the air towards its opponent, Wynd ran forward and used her hands to push the wolf, causing it to fly further than anticipated and into the forest debris far ahead.

Wynd breathed deeply and stood, brushing off dust and dirt as she rose to her feet.

"You do realize that's the move that you lose to everytime, right?"

After a moment of uncanny silence, the wolf trots soddenly towards her owner and growls.

"Look, it's not my fault you never learn from your mistakes, Jade. You gotta start teaching yourself new and better moves."

The wolf, Jade, huffed and nipped at Wynd's leg.

"Woah, watch it, or you won't be getting steak tonight. Do you want mutton again?"

Jade whined and shook out her pelt in annoyance.

Wynd smirked. "That's what I thought. Come on. We gotta head back before it gets dark."

As the sun begins to set under the jungle canopy, Wynd and Jade manage to make it back before the creatures of the night started appearing. She pressed the button that activates her makeshift elevator and she and her wolf companion ascended into safety.

Setting down her bag, Wynd watches as Jade trots over to her food dish and paws at it innocently, whimpering pitifully.

Sighing, Wynd just shakes her head. "I thought you were more girlboss than that, Jade. Hang on while I cook your steak. I gotta start the chicken, too, ya know."

Jade huffed but stayed silent as she waited for her dinner, tapping the wooden floor with her claws every once in a while to show she's still there.

Wynd just chuckled as she put the raw steak in the smoker and the chicken in one of her furnaces. She washed her hands and sat down in a chair, beckoning Jade to follow suit. Jade laid down next to the chair as Wynd pet her, looking out the window in the direction of the now-rising half moon.

"Ya know, Jade", Wynd started. "Have you wondered what Tommy and them have been up to since they built those walls? Do you think we should visit some day?"

Jade merely huffed as she enjoyed the little scritches behind her ears.

Wynd sighed. "I hope they aren't doing anything stupid. But you know Tommy. He's always been a nuisance, hasn't he?" She chuckled and rest her head against the chair, inhaling deeply. "I hope he's okay."

A few moments of silence was suddenly interrupted by clattering noises coming from upstairs. Jade jerked up and snarled, barking once to get moving. Someone, or something, had somehow gotten into their home.

Wynd pushed out of her chair and drew her sword. Who or what could it be? Zombies and skeletons are too stupid to get up here, and there are glass windows to keep spiders from getting in. The ceiling's too low for endermen.

Then it had to be a person. Wynd's grip on her sword tightened as she walked upstairs slowly, pausing only to tell Jade to stay downstairs in case of a possible ambush.

As confidently as she could, she stepped off the last stair and said boldly, "Come out here and fight me, trespasser!"

A few moments passed, and Wynd wondered if she and Jade had been paranoid and something just fell over. Nothing was happening, so she decided to look around to find what fell.

She came up to her bedroom and looked inside. Her favorite painting of a Wither had somehow been knocked off the wall and now lay in pieces. She gasped at the sight. "Shit! How did this happen?" She knelt before it and picked up a piece.

"I-I'm so sorry. . ."

Wynd jumped to her feet and spun around, pointing her sword towards the doorway that she heard the voice come from.

"Show yourself!"

After a moment, a head peaked out from behind the doorframe and a tall, transparent man appeared in front of her.

"I'm so sorry I did that. . . I didn't mean to. . ."

"Shut it", Wynd demanded. "Who are you and how the hell did you get into my house?"

The man-ghost thing just looked at her, hurt filling his gaze. "All I remember is my name. Ghostbur. I can't remember how I got here."

"'Ghostbur?'", Wynd laughed. "What kinda name is that, huh? Seriously, what is your name?"

Ghostbur's lower lip trembled a bit. "You don't. . .  You don't like my name?"

Rolling her eyes, Wynd pressed her sword closer toward the intruder's chest. "I don't care what your name is, I just want to know why you're here."

Ghostbur's eyes widened. "I just. . . I was just looking for a friend."

"A friend? Really? You broke my fucking painting just to find a friend?!"

"I'm sorry! I'm really sorry! I just tripped over my own feet and hit it by accident! You gotta believe me!" He was practically on his knees at this point. Wynd sighed and lowered her sword. It sounded like a genuine mistake.

"And you claim to not remember how you got in here?"

He nodded, sniffling.

"Alright then. Stand up and follow me."

Ghostbur's eyes lit up as he followed Wynd down the stairs.

Jade growled at the sight of Ghostbur, scaring him.

"Relax, Jade", Wynd assured her. "He seems like an okay guy. Just keep an eye on him until he opens up more."

With a flash of teeth, Jade growled softly and sat at the foot of the stairs, watching the man as he sat down on the couch.

Ghostbur stared as Wynd pulled out the food and set it on the counter.

"Now, Ghostbur", Wynd started. "Why don't you start from the beginning?"

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