Intro to me :]

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Hi there. My name is Will, but you can really just call me anything you want. I prefer pronouns of he/they, but don't really care if you use others. I am a minor, but that's all I'm saying age-wise. I am pansexual, questioning grey-asexual. I write books here on Wattpad, my username is @Ranboo_height_check. I also play Minecraft, and my gamertag is HoofedCarrot448 if you want to friend me on xbox/microsoft. I am free if anyone needs to vent, and I won't share anything personal anyone tells me. My only TWs are sensory issues involving sound or touch, and if someone is being mean to my friends. If someone is mean to me, I brush it off and ignore them, but if someone is mean to my friends, I get pissed off. I'm somewhat overprotective of my friends, and try to be there whenever they need me. Anyways, I'm 5' 4 and a half, have (natural) blonde hair, and blue eyes. I like arachnids, insects, amphibians, and other critters, but if anyone feels uncomfortable with the subject, just let me know and I won't bring it up. I have papyrophobia and kakorrhaphiophobia, meaning intense fear of paper/papercuts (it's a crappy thing to have when you like drawing), and fear of failure. I don't know much else to put, so that's all about me. 


just an intro and stuff about me, maybe rambling and random stuff-Where stories live. Discover now