Robotic Hell

966 22 9

Beep beep ima back

Y/N sat at his workbench, the pure air of the Workshop filling his lungs. Not actually working on anything, he sighed as he set the tools down, looking over to his guest.
Ruby Rose.
Y/N hesitated, staring at his "sister". Looking at his robotic hand, he clenched it as he detaches it from his arm, setting it on the bench.
"... I don't know if I have it in my heart to truly forgive and forget... I know you had no idea what you were doing, and were manipulated into doing so. But... it still stings. I can try to forgive you, truly. I just hope I don't push you away." Y/n took a sip from his mug as he sighed once more, getting up from the bench.
"What did they tell her? Does she hate me still? Does she even know I exist? I doubt she'd miss me like she misses Summer, but is this even the right choice? I know her likes and such, but how do I tell her how I know it? I can't just tell her I've been spying on her... I-"
"Ghmm." Immediately, Y/n whipped around, wincing at the sudden movement as he noticed Ruby starting to stir.

'Shit... I don't know if I'm ready for this.'  He thought to himself, looking around for some sort of scapegoat, before he took a deep breath, a slight wheeze escaping him. 

Rubbing her eyes, Ruby yawned, before perking up, instantly alert and jumping to Her feet. 
"Wh- Where?  Ah!"  She immediately went for crescent rose, before realizing something horrifying. 
She had no idea where she was, and was without a weapon.  From what Uncle Qrow and her dad told her, the worst possible situation could be in. 

Apart from being without booze.  But that was just Qrow.  Snapping back to threat evaluation, Ruby scanned the room, spotting a small spiral staircase, an airlock, and a large deep blue statue of a Suit of Armor before they fell on a figure who seemingly froze in place as he stared at her.
Despite having never seen this boy before, she felt at ease and confident in her ability to take him on, even without a weapon.
He had no right arm, for crying out loud!  Although the green circles and orbs in his eyes were off putting, his frail and quite honestly pathetic form made even Jaune look buff when he started At beacon.
(AN): I'm aware Jaune is Jacked at the start of the show but that's just RT's Models.  So go with it.
".. Where am I?"  Ruby finally asked after a long silence.  The boy just shuddered and mumbled something under his breath.
"What?  A-Are you OK?"  Ruby asked, listening to his breathy and scratchy voice attempt to get words out.
All that came out were strained wheezes as he struggled to Get words out. 
'It's like he's having an asthma attack.'  Ruby thinks to herself, completely sitting up and noticing her sudden change of clothing, pure white shirt and Slacks, whereas the boy in front of her wore a simple red hoodie at the moment, as well as a pair of jeans.
"R-Ruby." He squeezes out.
Instantly, Ruby was alert.
"H-How do you know my name?" His mechanical eyes widened as he scootched himself back from her.
"I-I've been keeping tabs on you since I could.... That sounds creepy, I know, but I had a good reason." Ruby scans the room a little more, before finding what appears to be a laser handgun lying on a workbench.
Quickly snatching it, she pointed at The boy, hearing him Eep before falling behind the couch entirely, as if the material of the sofa would even be a shred of decent cover.

"S-Start talking." Ruby stuttered, blinking a few times as the boy before her stuck his head out a little bit.

"Right. Well... You're a bit too young, or were a bit too young to remember, weren't you? Well you were about... three? Was it? I don't know but you had a-" Ruby interrupted him at this point, actually putting her finger a bit lower down the guard.
"I had a brother. He wandered off in the forest and got killed by Grimm. We could never find his body... I know that much, what I want to know is how you know that." Ruby said somewhat quietly but firmly.

At this point, Y/N barely resisted rolling his eyes.

'I mean, it's not likely she would even believe the truth. She was told a lie from the beginning.'
"Well, What... what if I told you that your dad and sister lied to you about what happened to your brother?"  Ruby's expression actually softened at this, her hands starting to lessen the grip on the weapon.
".. G-Go on." 
Ruby's reaction actually surprised Y/n, his prosthetic eyes widening slightly at her words. Testing the waters, he tried something.
"What... what do you think happened? What do you think on that matter?" Ruby got a confused look before she grit her teeth and closed her eyes.
"I... I don't know what happened, but... that night he disappeared, I remember... I remember a gunshot. Dad told me it was OK and to go back to sleep. But we couldn't find him the next morning... or the rest of the day... I don't remember much but I asked dad what happened to him... he didn't know. He told me my brother ran off in the night and was probably eaten by a Grimm... I can't believe that. He wouldn't just run off, something or someone had to make him feel so in danger that he felt that forest was his only escape... I don't know how or why he did it, but I know I've been lied to.... What does that have to do with what's happening right now?"  Ruby snapped her eyes open, With the boy before her having not moved an inch. 
He blinked a few times, prosthetic eyes dilating and focusing fifty times a second to formulate a response.
"... Ruby, I'm fairly certain you won't believe me on this, and that's fine... I don't expect you nor did I ever expect you to. But, That night you lost your brother, he didn't die. Or, he might have." Y/n rose to his full height, body language obviously uncomfortable.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 21, 2022 ⏰

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