21. The Fortune Teller

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In a repetition of recent events, Mingi fastened the straps of Yunho's leather gauntlets around his arms. They spanned over his black fingerless gloves, wrapping his wrists with sturdy splints.

The moment Mingi pulled back, the man curled and uncurled his fingers, testing the position. His brief smile filled Mingi's nervous heart with gratitude.

"You look pale," Yunho whispered. They stood close to each other, closer than appropriate for their ranks and current task of getting Yunho into his protective gear. Every minor shift of Yunho's hooves had his ornately decorated black chest piece brush against Mingi's shoulder. Like scales, the protective shoulder plates wrapped around the curves of his arm and matched his tattooed skin. The length of his upper arms was bare, free to allow movement and flexibility.

"I don't like this," Mingi muttered back as his fingers fluttered over each leather strap on Yunho's body once more. He yanked the ones around his knee-high boots the barest bit tighter. The rough pulls on Yunho eased Mingi's shaking hands. Ever so unwavering, Yunho withstood the jerks.

"I'm not going for war. We merely have to show that I am invested in the safety of our people. I doubt they will attack among a crowd."

When Yunho's fingers reached up to brush over Mingi's cheek tenderly, Mingi met his eyes. Yunho's deep black irises were dotted with specks of gold, barely visible if not regarded so closely. They held security and warmth, compassion for Mingi's strained nerves. In their depths, Mingi felt foolish for his fear.

When his breathing matched Yunho's and they exhaled together slowly, a smile twitched on Yunho's lips. Then, he rose his arms to wrap them around Mingi.

The memory of their day in the snowy woods of the human realm had ingrained itself into Mingi's mind like the scar of a scalding iron. It replayed in his mind before he went to sleep, when he woke up, and when he secretly thought of Yunho while he washed up in the evenings. Mingi's most precious memories all centered around the prince. Upon his touch, despite the added distance through the ornate armour, Mingi was taken back to the snowy forest, to Yunho's confession that Mingi was special to him.

Mingi lightly hugged him back. The smell of leather overshadowed Yunho's natural smell of his soaps.

"Let's go whenever you are ready." Yunho's breath brushed Mingi's ear, making him shiver. No ulterior motive laid in Yunho's embrace, just an offer for comfort and closeness. Yet, the adoration that warmed Mingi's chest distracted him from his unease.

When he stepped back a while later, Yunho's tail still held onto his even when their hands left each other's bodies. Their gazes lingered full of unspoken words. Then, Yunho strode away from him to grab his weapon's belt to wrap around his hip. His sword was joined by two knives as well as a crossbow that sat on his back.

Mingi found he looked as if he were going to war.

When they exited the room, Yunho held the door open for Mingi. Their heavy steps took them down the corridor and towards the heart of the bustling that had filled the palace ever since the morning.

Last night, they had received notice that the pixies had intruded into their main town. Two more dead people littered their path from the southern city up to them, and they had dehorned one of the town guards.

Somewhere in the closest vicinity of the castle was the vicious pixie that now had a bounty on his head. All through the Fiery Lands, he and his companions got hunted.

Even in their hurry, the crowd parted as Yunho crossed their midst. The golden linings and rings of his leather clothing matched the golden rings wrapped around his horns. Taller than any other person in the room, he made his way towards the stables and Mingi followed him. Their group was ready to set out, two horses prepared for them. Curious and worried onlookers lingered behind every pillar and corner. They saw their prince off with frowns etched into their foreheads.

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