38. Dispute

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"I want a new law," Yunho announced in a steadfast tone. No hint of hesitation was left in his voice and his shoulders were squared confidently as he eyed San and his sister, then his father. All four of them looked at him surprised.

The assembly had just decided to call their meeting to an end after none of their pixie-related policies was possible to implement for the lack of both Hongjoong's cooperation and that of the pixie kingdom that still blocked all attempts at diplomatic conversations.

Yunho, speaking up after the king had gruffly asked if anyone else had a concern, befuddled the people. Tense, Mingi watched from the sidelines. Gunho wasn't in the meeting today since he didn't feel so well, so Mingi was alone with Vur and his book. He had waited for Yunho to speak up. Last night, after their visit to the dungeons, Mingi and Yunho had discussed the matter until the late hours. Mingi agreed with the scheme, but it was unlikely that the king and his advisors also would.

"I want a prohibition on pixie hunting throughout all five of our kingdoms. So that anyone who mutilates or kills them gets punished just how we would punish a criminal."

San's face fell first. His sister looked apprehensive, too, her long hair curling around her twirling fingers pensively. Yunho's father regarded his son warily, but he didn't decline the proposal immediately. Hope had Mingi ball his hands into fists.

"Did you talk to the pixie?"

Yunho leaned back in his chair. The initial strain of speaking his critical thoughts out loud to the room fell off him. His clawed fingers played with the feather he used for writing his notes.

"He wasn't very responsive to me either, but his motives of revenge stood out quite clear. He is also a prince, if an illegitimate one," Yunho supplied without minding San's gaze boring into his profile. The king hummed.

"You won't be able to decide that. Even if your kingdom refuses the hunting sport, ours has no reason to comply," San protested. Caught between both sides, his sister kept quiet. Her horns that looked so much like San's were decorated with silver glittering stones.

"If it means that we could prevent war, wouldn't it be in the best interest of your people? Father, I believe that after Hongjoong, more pixies will taste the sweet flavour of revenge. While I also have trouble accepting the pixies as anything else but food, I believe they are a force we don't need to anger further. Cutting them from our meal plans won't be a major loss to us."

Yunho's father skimmed his fingers through his orderly white beard. As if possessed, the writers soaked up every word, their feathers flying over the rustling parchment.

"That is for the individual to decide. It's difficult to keep people with money and power at bay. If a noble so wished, he would still have the means to hunt the pixies for his own pleasure, just like San here. We wouldn't be able to avert a war rooted in selfishness."

San gasped offended, but he didn't argue. To him, his luxury played a more important role.

"But it's only the nobles then that the pixies are after, too. They can defend themselves well, and the pixies would leave those alone who have no business with them," San argued. Nervous, Mingi wrapped his tail around his calf as he watched the debate. He wasn't interested in politics, but he wanted to see this play out in Yunho's favour.

"With all due respect, San. You do not look as if you defended yourself well," Yunho's father said politely. A tasteful raise of his brow stifled the anger brimming in San's tight lips.

"This was just the conscience of these two pixies, too. What would we do if they came with an army to slaughter all of us? In that case, we would have many more people to protect." Yunho crossed his long legs when San's tail poked evilly at them. Upset, Mingi watched him swat at Yunho under the table. Yunho didn't let his irritation show on his face.

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