Cuddle Buddys

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Tiny, quiet snores shook Lorelei to snap her head over to look at Lance's door. The Kantonian Ice Specialist stared at it in curiosity, before standing up from the couch she sat on. 

As she made her way to the door, she could feel heat radiating from the door. Her suspensions were right. Both Lance's and Ash's Charizards had started a low fire in Lance's firepit in his personal room as she opened the door.

 But, something else caught the Ice Girls eye. On Lance's bed, multiple blankets, more than what the man owned, sat on it. Only two bodys stuck out from the blankets, who just so happened to be Lance and Ash, both snoring peacefully. 

Lorelei let a smile creep onto her face as she saw the cuteness that was Lance, the normally calm and collective champion. 

Lorelei turned around and walked out, closing the door quietly so as to not wake up anyone in the room. She'd have to tell Agatha that Lance wasn't gonna make it to the meeting. 


Wallace shook his head as he stood at the door of Steven's room. The man seemed to laugh at what he saw.

Ash Ketchum, being completely snuggled by Steven as the older man was typing away on his laptop, fast asleep.

Steven moved his eyes that were glued to the screen up to his fiance. Wallace giggled, " Working hard, eh? " The water specialist laughed again as Steven gave a grumble. 

Wallace and Steven had just managed to help calm down a raging stampede of Aggron. Ash ended up stopping by after that, so Steven found time to have the kid lay on him as he worked. 

Wallace moved to sit down as said child groaned in his sleep, wiggling to get comfortable again, Pikachu also doing the same. 

This made the two champions chuckle. 


(Cynthia's is a bit longer sorry ;-;, I can only do so much for the others)

Flint had no idea where Cynthia was. The woman had vanished over 2 hours ago, and she was due for an online check up with the higher gyms. 

He walked down the eastern hallway, which located Cynthia's bedroom door.. The man opened Cynthia's door in the Sinnoh castle, and what he saw was...interesting, to put it in a good way.

When he walked in, from his view, the bed had been moved, blankets all over the floor. Two, large dragons layed near them, the land shark pokemon, named Garchomp, looking up at Flint. Charizard also looked up, his eyes half open, alongside Garchomps. 

" Hey you two, have you seen Cynthia? " he asked in a hushed tone, kinda having a feeling she was in the room anyway. Garchomp and Charizard averted their eyes down, and so did Flint, and a small smile crept to his face. 

Squished between Garchomp and Charizard, layed two, bandaged, covered, and knocked out humans. Cynthia was dressed in a plaid grey tee-shirt and comfortable black sweatpants, but on her arms were tightly wrapped bandages, along on her head too. The same could be said for Ash, who looked freaking adorable being cuddled by Cynthia. He was wearing oversized clothes of what Cynthia was wearing. 

Both of them slept comfortably, though both seemed to shake every so often, making the two large dragons press their noses against their trainers' heads softly, making them stop and relax. 

Flint shook his head, he'd have to explain to everyone that the two were still healing from what Cyrus had done. 

Flint turned around, and shut the door, but turned the light off in the room with a smile. 


To say the least that noise was made from the champions was an understatement. And I mean an UNDERSTATEMENT! Cynthia let out a curse as Lance shot her down, then Diantha backstabbed him, making her laugh. 

Wallace no-scoped Diantha, making her rage. The others all laughed. 

Surprisingly, Alder would be sleeping, snoring loudly, and Ash would be playing with them, or messing around with them, grabbing their controllers and dancing around so they couldn't get them back….till they would tackle him down for a tickle fest on the floor. 

Steven paused the game as he looked around. " Heeeeyyyyyy, where's Alder and Ash? " 

This immediately caught everyone's attention. All of them set their controllers down (Cynthia and Diantha more or so throwing them sense PTSD is a thing from the Crisis Ash has been in with Sinnoh and Kalos) and tried to find them. 

Here's the thing, they're in a hotel in Hoenn. So Alder and Ash had knocked out on one of the beds, seeming Alder cuddling the 16 year old, who was happy with it. 

Cynthia and Diantha let out a relieved sigh they knew they held in. Ash was safe, and in no harm, atleast. 

(A/N: Diantha is gonna be her own chapter because of the Kalos Crisis. Also because I had more issues figuring out Ash's trauma from all the other legendary encounters and Diantha trying to get over the fact that Ash isn't alright, and both seek comfort)

Cured Cuddles (One-Shot, Kinda A 5+1)Where stories live. Discover now