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You wake up extra early to see how Loki is doing you felt kinda bad for leaving him by himself.
—————————15 minutes later
You get there and Tony was already waiting for you in your parking spot . You get out the car.Hey Tony  I'm sorry for not telling you about all of my abilities. As you finish talking tony cuts you off

It's ok just no more surprises kid we are going to meet the rest of the team.

You and Tony walk in.

Everyone stops what their doing to look at you .You feel awkward until Steve says hey Tony who is this. Everyone this is Y/n she is here to help with Loki.

Tony tells everyone what powers you have and all look at you surprised

Nat greets you first hey girl it's nice to have another play thing to have around here for the boys . Tony turns around to look at Nat "No nobody is allowed to fraternize with her everyone Nods there head. I was just kidding jeez Tony ok well anyways it was nice meeting you. She walks away .

Steve looks concerned about what had just happened I'm sorry about nat she doesn't usually act like that. I'm Steve but I'm sure you know all of us Already though. You laugh ya I do . Ok well I'm gonna go check on Loki now bye.

You leave Steve and go find Loki. You find him naked on the couch he knew you were upstairs so he had done this to tease me and it was working but work comes first so you used your powers and grabbed a towel from his bathroom and threw it on him.
Oh love what did you expect your in my quarters. Ok whatever you bipolar pathetic man.

You did this knowing he'd let his guard down to hurt me or ask me to fix him. Nope he woke up and chose violence he came over to me and started chocking me I grabbed a random bottle and smashed it on his head he's still conscious so I go inside his head

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