Drummer boy

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"Bye mum! Me and Ash are going to a study group." I said to my mother which was a complete lie.
"Alright Maia, be back by 12." she responded, waving happily at the two of us.
"You're probably going to be the most girly dressed person there," ashton said as he looked me up and down.
I was wearing a white pleated skirt with a light pink cropped halter top and had my curled brown hair tied in a high pony. I wore white knee high stockings and black patent Mary Jane flats.
"I guess so," I giggled, "but I really don't care."
We got into my car and drove to the bar where the little concert was held. The whole drive there ashton and I sang a bunch of journey songs.
When we got there, there was a security guard checking ids.
"Got your fake?" I whispered to ashton .
"Yup." he said waving it in my face.
"Let's go then." I said.
We walked up to the line and started waiting. When the security guard looked at my id he gave me a suspicious glance. I batted my eyelashes at him in response.
"Is there a problem sir?" I said as I put my hand on his shoulder.
"Uh no ma'm you're fine " he said smiling at me.
"Oh great! And he's with me." I said pointing at Ashton.
The guard nodded and let us both in.
Ashton mumbled something under his breath.
"Huh?" I said.
"I said you didn't have to flirt your way in you know. I have an id. and so do you. it works without you doing that." he said with his arms crossed.
"Oh don't be such a grumpy old man! It was fun! Now can we just enjoy this concert. please ash." I said holding his hands and pouting my lips.
"Fine," he said smiling, "lets get some drinks.
The rest of the night we drank beers and danced along to the live music. We made friends with some of the bands and they bought us some drinks. All of a sudden a blonde boy ran up to the stage with two other boys following him.
"Hi!" He said into the microphone, "I'm Luke and I'm in a band with these two," he said pointing to the two boys behind him, "and we are really looking for a drummer to complete our band. if you are interested please contact us. we put posters everywhere with my number on it. thanks!" He said and waved.
I automatically turned to Ashton.
" Ash! This could be your chance! Go talk to them!" I said with my hands on his shoulders.
"I don't know Maia," he said with uncertainty, "what if I'm not good enough. what if they just laugh in my face."
"Ashton, you are extremely talented. if they laugh in your face, punch them." I said with confidence and slid my hands down to his hands.
He looked straight into my eyes, as if to see if I really meant what I said.
"I'll think about it." he said smiling.
"You better." I said then kissed his cheek.
We started dancing along to the music and the whole time I could feel his eyes on me.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 15, 2015 ⏰

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