Chapter 3

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"Late, again, Miss Summers," Mr. Preston sighed. It was first period on a Monday morning, what did he expect? I had an excuse though, I was still tired from the weekend! See, we all had really bad hangovers, well, everyone except Ruby, so I couldn't go home on the Saturday so we all stayed at Jason's for another night and then I went home on the Sunday afternoon. My parents asked where I'd been and I'd babbled off any old excuse. "Take your seat."

I shrugged and sat down at my desk which was right in front of his massive, old fashioned teacher one, since he'd moved me because apparently, 'I never knew when to shut up'. Yes, those were his exact words.

"As I was just saying before we were interrupted," he glanced sideways at me. "Today, we're going into groups and then splitting up around the school with different surveys to ask the classes."

I sighed. Mr. Preston was our Personal and Social Education teacher, so doing surveys was just one of the boring things we did often.

"Before I sort you all out into groups, I have a survey for all of you guys to answer." He rummaged around on his desk before picking up a yellow sticky note. Mr. Preston was one of the few teacher's that I quite liked. He was an all round friendly person who never really moaned and yelled at his students, only if you did something beyond extremes. If you were late, however, he would just say something like, 'Don't make a habit of this,' and then start the lesson again as quickly as possible. His coal black hair took off a good few years from his original age, which - I can't believe I'm saying this - made him quite attractive for a teacher. "Right, now, the question is do you own a car? Raise your hands if you do." Basically the whole class had their hands up apart from this geeky girl who sat in the back corner and blew her nose every five minutes.

"Er, so the whole class?" He obviously didn't want to embarrass her. The number of students in the class was scribbled onto the sticky note, which was then thrown back down onto the desk. "Right, the groups will be as follows: Stacey, Brian, Heidi and John-James; Kayla, Devon, Leanne and Jacob; Taylor, Robert, Amber-Sue and Jamie," Mr. Preston rattled off the rest of the groups.

Trust me to have gotten the geeky girl in my group, though now I at least knew her name. Amber-Sue. I'm sorry, but what kind of dorky name is that? Oh well, at least I had Robert in my group. Robert had moved from England to California last year and I totally digged his accent. Could you blame me? He was British, and the British accent, it's sexy! And, well, let's just say I couldn't resist finding out how good the British were at kissing... Anyway, Jamie was alright too, he had a small stutter but we'd all learned to ignore it.

"Okay, everyone get into your groups and make up a question to ask the classes," Mr. Preston ordered, while he fetched his coffee from the windowsill beside his desk.

The volume in the room suddenly shot up with everyone moving around and beginning to discuss questions. Everyone in my group knew that I wouldn't move to where any of them were sitting so they all pulled chairs over to my desk instead.

"H-h-hey, T-Taylor," Jamie said, trying to be friendly.

"Whatever," I groaned. "This is so retarded." I folded my arms and slumped down into the sturdy wooden chair.

"I have an idea for a question we could ask," pronounced brace-face Amber.

"What is it, then?" sighed Robert. Gosh, his accent...

"Well, we could ask how many of them have a pet," she suggested.

"Whatever," I repeated.

"So, will we do that question? Her spotty face glowed with delight at the fact that we were going to use her stupid idea.

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