Chapter 4

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"Can someone get the door?" I requested to anyone who heard me over the babble of voices and music. The door bell had just rang for about the hundredth time and it was only nine o'clock! The party had barely even kicked off, but already I was feeling tired, probably due to that week of detention.

No-one had answered the door so eventually the guests had just let themselves in. I had no clue who they were. To be honest, I only knew about two thirds of the people that were here. The other third was just a bunch of people from school who I didn't know personally.

"Yo, Taylor!" a male voice called from behind me. Before I could turn around to see who it was, I was trapped in a huge bear hug.

"Excuse me?" I untangled their arms from around me and turned round. "Eddie! You came!" Well of course he came, who wouldn't? The deal with Eddie though, was that he was my cousin. I hadn't seen him in about six months because he lived in Santa Clara and so I thought I'd invite him.

He nodded, smiling confidently and then he threw his arm over my shoulders. "You betcha!" His eyes scanned over all the guests. "How could I miss one of my little cousin's awesome parties?" He grinned. Okay, so he was two years older than me but he certainly didn't look it. With his hip-hop styled clothes and his dark blue baseball cap, he could easily pass for seventeen.

He guided me through into the kitchen, most definitely because he wanted the food. "So, how's Santa Clara? You all doing okay?"

"Pizza!" He dived for the rows of different topped pizzas, the pepperoni being his first choice. "Yeah, everything and everyone is doing great!" He mumbled through his pizza filled mouth. Santa Clara was only about two hours away from Beverly Hills and they visited once or twice a year. It was only Eddie's family that lived there, the rest of our family all lived in Beverly Hills. "Oh, and I hope you don't mind, I brought some of my mates."

"Great! Where are they?"

He shrugged and scooped up another slice of pizza. "I'll have to introduce you to Danny. He's been wanting to meet you so bad!" He snorted. "Like he'd get a shot with you! Anyway, we came in his car, since he was so eager to drive, cause he only just got his license. And plus, he'd never been to the great old 90210!"

"Sweet." I rolled my eyes. "Right I'm off to enjoy the party, you have fun now!"

He gave me a thumbs up and then headed up to the far end of the table where all the alcohol was laid out.

I left the kitchen and spotted Chelsea on the stairs, up against the wall, making-out with a guy that she probably just met. I took it that she'd already found the alcohol then! As for me though, I'd only had three drinks so far as I was too busy trying to talk to everyone.

I decided that it was time for seven minutes in heaven, a traditional party game.

"Right, everyone listen up!" I shouted. Someone lowered the volume of the music and the chatting quieted down to low murmurs. "If you want to play seven minutes in heaven, then go into the living room, if you don't want to play, then keep out of the living room." The music began to rise again and most people just continued dancing but some headed for the living room. Before I made my way through, I got myself a British WKD, my favorite alcoholic drink, as you could probably tell. All of my gang was in the living room, along with Eddie, and presumably his friends, and about twelve others. They had already organized themselves into a circle, which looked more like an oval since most of us were already half drunk, if not completely, but I closed the door and sat down in between Eddie and James. We could still hear the music, but it wasn't as loud since the door was shut.

"Right, you all know how to play?" I asked.

Everyone nodded.

I quickly downed the rest of my drink and rolled the empty glass bottle into the middle of the circle. "Who wants to spin?"

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