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Author's POV

Couple days later

The two were more inseparable if that was possible. Jungkook wouldn't try to be sneaky about it in front of their parents. Jimin was still a bit shy about being lovy dovy in front of his mom and Jungkook's parents. But he was overall comfortable about talking about their relationship. They were currently boarding the plane, hand in hand and smiling like idiots.

When arriving home Jimin couldn't hold it in about the two's relationship and needed to reveal it to Tae.


"He's good looking, has a good personality, strong character, treats you like a queen, is the sex good?" Tae asks as he smirks seeing Jimin go red and cover his face. Jimin goes criss cross on his bed that he and Tae are sitting on. He grabs a pink bunny plushie that Jungkook had gotten him their last day of vacation.

"It's great, no, amazing! He doesn't do anything I don't want to do, he's gentle he does everything with my permission. He makes sure I feel satisfied with it as does he. He's flawless at everything he does. And he does it while looking like a goddamn God." Jimin says bitting his lip. "He's amazing. I really don't deserve him." Jimin sighs and then jumps when he sees Jungkook come through the bedroom door. A smirk decorated his lips as his eyes darted to Jimin.

"So... you think I'm as good as a God?" Jungkook chuckles as Taehyung smirks and high fives Jungkook as he exits.

"I- dammit Taehyung!" Jimin shouted after Tae who cackles the whole time as he leaves.

Jimin giggles as Jungkook lies on the bed with his head in Jimin's lap. Jimin plays with Jungkook's soft hair as Jungkook hums. "I really don't deserve you." Jungkook suddenly commented.

"You think so?" Jimin asks.

"I know so." Jungkook hums and looks up into Jimin's eyes. "We're gonna get married."

"What?!" Jimin coughs choking on the air he inhaled.

"We're gonna get married one day. I promise." Jungkook claims with a smile.

"Pinky promise?" Jimin said recovering from his overly excited choke on air.

"Pinky promise." Jungkook chuckles and intertwines his pinky with Jimin's.

"I love you." Jimin leaned down to kiss Jungkook's nose.

"I love you more." Jungkook countered and guided his lips to Jimin's own.

The end~

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