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Kiki POV
So it's been a week and I've found out that Jazmine like Jack G and Ashanty likes Nash. I totally ship all of them. I was in a hard thought when I feel a snap in front of me.
"Yes Cam?" I asked the boy who is bothering me thought
"Um I wanted to say that Shawn, Taylor, and I are not the only ones that like you there two more" he states
"Who are there now?" I asked a bit annoyed.
"Um Carter and Matt"
"Uhhh the best friends, that's going to be hard. Besides I have a boyfriend" I said referring to food.
"Who?!" He said through gritted teeth like he was going to rip out a tree
"Food DUH" I said in a DUH tone
"Kiki who is your bff from all of us?"
"Umm probably Sammy"
"Oh" ad with that he walked and away an Sammy comes to me.
"Hey babes" I said to him
"Hey bébé" he said back
"So what brings u here Sammy" I said in an old person on Venus.
"Um I wanted to say that I see u as a sister, and I'm saying this because I know some of the boys like u"he said confidently.
"Thanks Sammy, IMMA text Justin to see if he want to take me to Starbucks"i said as I pull out my phone.
(Text Convo)
K: hey can u take me to Starbucks bro
J: sure be ready in 5
K: kk bai
So I sat there waiting for Justin and all of a sudden I here a thud and I get hit of what feels like a basketball I. The side of my head so I blacked out and the rest I was hearing was Justin yelling my name.

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