Dream Or Nah

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Kiara POV
So I wake up in hospital bed and all I hear is the heart beep monitor, Jazzy, and Ashanty. Wait it's just them in my room. My mom is probably drunk or high.
"Omg we thought we lost you forever" said Jazzy
"So I was dreaming the whole time?" I asked even though they have no idea what i talking about.
"Dreaming about what?" Asked Ashanty. I explained everything to them and when I mentioned the liking parts they said that part WAS real.
"Wow" I said in barely a whisper
"Nice to see you are awake" a really familiar voice said.......JACK J
"AHHHHHH" I yell because I was scared I was scared to death.
Jack J POV
So me and the other guys wanted to apologize to Kiara. We decided we would go in one by one so she won't be as freaked out...hopefully.
"Wow" she said in barely a whisper.
"Nice to see you are awake" I said
"AHHHHHH" she yelled and her heart monitor went crazy. All the boys came in and she started to cry and her monitor went dead. The doctors and some nurses came in and told us to get out now. Ash and Jazzy (HAHAHAHAHA) are outside balling there eyes out like if they saw a puppy got run over.
"WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE. DONT YOU KNOW YOU CAUSED ALL OF THIS" yelled Jazmine through tears and was held back by Ashanty. I feel like such an ass. The doctor came out.
"She is back in a coma and has a 76% she might not remember anything except people she loved and cared about." The girls sighed nowing Kiara would remember them easier. Us boys. We are screwed. But we might have a chance to be friends and she might date one of us *cough* me *cough*. I heard her crush is Sammy or Sam Pottorff, one of those but I'll be in that line of people.

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