Caleb's perspective

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Putting the phone down, I desperately glance over at the clock, wishing it would move faster.
Tomorrow. I don't think I can wait that long.
Great. Waiting would have been much easier if I actually had patience. I figure that keeping myself occupied will take my mind off y/n's arrival, and would hopefully make time move faster.
"And we also are pretty excited for something to happen tomorrow, what is it Hayley?!"
Katie exclaims while pointing the camera in Hayley's direction.
"Y/n's coming back tomorrow!!"
"Yess! Her flight will arrive at 4:30pm, so we will pick her up by then and go out for dinner. It's also supposed to be a surprise, so lucky she won't see this video until tomorrow night, after the surprise has already happened."
I walk upstairs, eves-dropping on on my mom and Hayley's conversation.
"Ohh look who finally decided to not be locked up in their room for once! Doesn't it feel good to be upstairs with your family?" Katie teases while moving the camera to face Caleb.
"Mom. You know I'm upstairs pretty often. It's not every day you find me in my room." Caleb says as he crosses his arms.
"Okayy okay, Caleb cheer up! You get to see someone special tomorrowww!" Katie says as she nudges caleb on the shoulder with a smirk on her face.
"Alrighttt mom!"
I decide to go outside for a bit to try and keep my mind busy. I practice my throwing by having Piper (my dog) bring the ball back after I throw it. It pretty much becomes a cycle, throwing the baseball, having Piper bring it back, then repeating that over again. I don't really mind it though, it's quite relaxing in a way.
"Oh there he is, Caleb we're closing out the video with a question of the day, care to join?"
Question of the day already? I guess I was pretty occupied in playing with Piper, that I hadn't notice it had gotten dark out.
"Yeah sure, I'll be inside in a sec."
"Alright, who wants to read the question of the day?" Mom asks.
Annie quickly jumps up. "Me! I do!"
"Alright Annie, take it away."
Annie takes the piece of paper in her hand and reads the words aloud.
"If you could hug anyone, dead or alive, who would it be?"
"Hayley first."
"Ummm....Winnie!" Hayley shouts as she throws herself onto our other dog.
"Alright how about you Caleb?"
"Uh...Y/n!-" I say without hesitation.
"Hahah!! Looks like someone's really missing y/n." Annie says.
"Be quiet..." I say, feeling my face get hot.
"Make sure to comment down below, cause we wanna know. The question of the day is...." Annie and Hayley announce, closing out the video for the day.
"Okayyy- Bedtime! We wanna have enough energy for tomorrow" Mom says while winking.
"Alrightt..Goodnight!" I say.
I head downstairs, getting ready to go to sleep.
I climb into bed, feeling quite cheerful and hyped up. I know I'm feeling this way because I'm going to finally see y/n tomorrow after two weeks. Closing my eyes, I feel a smile form on my face as I drift off to sleep.

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