The ButtRocket Fart -Yato x Hiyori

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36: The Butt Rocket Fart - This scary but predictable fart is provoked by eating large quantities of fast food at one sitting. It doesn't make any appreciable noise until it is just about through. It is similar to the worrying fart inasmuch as the necessity to check your shorts for a stain is imminent.

"Ugh..." Yato groaned, rubbing his recently fast food filled stomach. Most of what he ate didn't like him as much as he liked it.

Hiyori looked over at the very obviously uncomfortable god across from her, annoyed. She'd felt lucky that the restaurant was virtually empty apart from the owner.

" I told you it was a bad idea to eat all that."
She rolled her eyes pointing to the remains of Yatos 7 course dinner. He'd had a burger, fries, chicken tenders, okonomiyaki, a small pizza, and a milkshake to top it all off. This man was a like bottomless pit.

He stared at her, pouting.

" What?? It all just looked too good."

He whined. His stomach let out a gurgle in disagreement. He winced grasping him swollen belly.

" I thought gods didn't poop?" Hiyori stated puzzled.

" We dont..." he managed through tight breaths as a cramp hit him. To the gods slight horror, gas began uncontrollably leaking out of him. It continued on silently for a few seconds before a large puff came out of him.

Pffffffffffffffff - PFFRBTT! PFRBT!

A dark blush grew on his face.

" We do fart though apparently."

He said fanning his behind as the smell began to form around them.

Hiyori started coughing, the thick smell tickling her throat.

* cough cough* "Yato!" She scolded. " That's disgusting! You could have warned me."

He shrugged. " Well I didn't know until today." He picked his chopsticks back up and went to finish his pancake, with a mostly deflated stomach."

" Atleast I have more room now"

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