Chapter Five: Revenge

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The skies were dark but for the city it was bright and beautiful as Wally West stood on top on one of the building scouting the area as if he looking for something and appearing behind him was Arsenal or Speedy anyways he walk up to Kid Flash and says,

"You know Dick wouldn't approve of this?"
Wally would sigh and reply to him saying,

"And where is he in the hospital like hell I'm a just sit around."
Arsenal would shake his head and says,

"Well don't do anything stupid like kill the guy?"
Next, Wally would reply to him saying,

"Yeah yeah I'm not gonna kill him just gonna lock him up before he hurts more of my friends."
Then, Arsenal would say after,

"Whatever you do keep your cool ok."
Wally would just look at him and then behind Arsenal as their a tall Dark hooded Figure staring at them follow by a voice in their heads repeating the words,

Soon after, The chains behind Harrow would have lung forwards towards the two of them but then the world slow down as, Wally had use his speed to move faster then everyone. As, he would easily and quickly knock the chains away in different directions and comes up to Harrow and delivers a speed punch that sends Harrow flying into a near by wall caving the wall in.
Next,. time would resume to normal as Wally would exit out of Flash time.
Arsenal would Holster his bow and says,

"Show off"
Wally would reply to him with a quick chuckle. But, it wasn't over as Harrow hand would reach out of Wally Shadow putting him in a choke hold. as, Harrow would Exit Wally Shadow keeping him in a choke hold. Next, Wally would attempt to phase through Harrow but it didn't work After that, Wally felt a needle enter his body through his right arm and felt Harrow inject something into him.
As, Harrow released him Wally would fall to the ground he couldn't use his speed force but why? It's  cause Harrow had injected Negative Tachyons into Wally Blood stream keeping him from tapping into the speed force.
Next, there can only be a scream as Harrow impales Wally leg with his right arm blade Wally would scream in pain holding back the tears.
but before he could do anything else Harrow is shot with an arrow into the Shoulder follow by a mini Explosion that sends Him off of the  Roof.
Finally, Arsenal had done something shooting the Arrow into Harrow Shoulder and knocking him off of the roof and after that, he would help Wally up helping him walk on one leg but then a Chain comes flying past as it would Gaze Arsenal Shoulder  and Another one Gazing his Right Ankle.
Arsenal needed another plan right now as, he would quickly use a smoke bomb throwing it down making a smoke screen right after.

Next, Arsenal  would  quickly tie Wally around his waist and jump off of the roof as he would shoot an Arrow Into a building grappling  to the building  and would continue this gaining distance between Harrow and him.
As, Arsenal thinking he had gain some ground would look back with curiosity and to his Scared look he says,

"Is this guy even human?"
After that, Harrow can be seen behind them leaping to building to building  digging his hands inside of each building he lands on.
Soon After, Harrow would have tackle the both of them into a huge park as they roll down a hill moving at incredible speed Arsenal would look to over and see that him and Wally are gonna hit a tree moving fast enough to do some major damage.
Quickly Arsenal would tap Wally face trying to wake him and then would slap Wally causing him to open his eyes just Abit.
After that Arsenal would say,

"Come on Wally I need you to do that phasing thing you do like right now!"
Wally using just Abit of strength pulls it off as they would both phase through the tree and off of the Hill as they slide and coming to a stop bumping into another tree.
But then, Harrow would stand over the both of them with his arm blade cock back ready to finish the job until.
A ball of green energy heat would hit him away as he then met with a Cybernetic Canon that sends him flying backwards.
Next, he met with a green Gorilla fist  to the face  as, he flies backwards again mid flight he would be slammed into the ground by a giant Shadow hand and then ending it with a small child wearing a Robin Suit known as Damian Wayne. As he would slam down a staff he had Barrow from Dicks room hitting Harrow Ribcage. Now, who was this Mysterious Group?
Well it's no other then the Teen Titans saving the day while Starfire helps up Arsenal and Wally the rest would get ready to attack as Harrow would get up slowly arm blades out and many chains would fall to the ground.
There would be a moment of silence before Beastboy charges in saying,
"Let's go dude!"
With the rest screaming behind him.

Hours had pass as the Sun began to Rise as the Teen Titans all laid on the floor beaten and bloody.
Star fire had Bruises from the chains, Damian would have one of Harrow arm blades stuck inside his Shoulder, Cyborg was place against a tree with no arms or legs, as for Arsenal and Wally they would both be tied to two different tree, Raven would be tied down  on a cross badly beaten as blood left her Forehead,
Beastboy ended up being Harrow Chair still in his Gorilla form with long blades impaled into his hands and feet pinning him to the ground.
Harrow sat there as if he was waiting for someone as a man with a round shape but his whole body cover in Darkness hiding who he is but except his eyes they peer through the Darkness with a  Darken yellow glow.
Next, the mysterious person would say,

"Are you waiting for them?"
Harrow would just nod not even looking at the man as the man would vanish into thin air.
Soon after, a news chopper would arrive overhead zooming in on the destroyed Site with Harrow in the middle.
Finally, The Justice league would arrive With Superman,Flash,Wonder woman, Batman, Aquaman and Martian Man Hunter.
Harrow would stand up and Raise his hands Surrendering to them without saying a word.
After, Harrow would be put in cuffs and Escorted into a heavily Armed Van driving through downtown.
As,  the Scene changes to Harrow entering a integration room with Gordon in it.
Hours pass, but Gordon couldn't get him to talk he would only speak with Batman.
Finally, Batman would enter and sit down in front of Harrow and says,

"Talk Damn it why did you attack the Titans"
There would be a moment of silence and then Harrow would say,

"It was self defense my target was only Wallace and Roy."
Before batman could say another word he came to a realization that he knew their names and now Batman questions how much does he know and what is his motives.
But before Batman could ask another question Harrow would Interrupt him saying,

"But that besides the point of why I let you capture me the reason I'm here is to tell you to give up or else everyone will Suffer from the hands of the Shadow people."
Batman would then ask,

"Who are the Shadow people,"
Harrow would ignore Batman question as he then would say,
"Don't trust Rell Reeds"
At first Batman didn't know what to say until he realize it Rell Reeds is probably one of the Shadow men that work with Harrow and then Batman would exit out of the Room and lock the door behind him.
Super man stood in front of Bruce and says,
"No matter how many times I use my see through ability I can't see his face that armor he wearing is made out of Something we haven't discovered.
Next, Batman would tell Superman,
"He said someone name Rell Reeds that we shouldn't trust him to my suspension Rell must be with this Shadow cult or Shadow people. Anyways  there piece of the blade stuck in Damian Shoulder if we can remove it and scan it we may find a clue of it's Orgin and find out it weak point to his armor."
After, Batman finish that Sentence the lights of the building would go out and the building began to shake as, Batman would kick down the door to the integration room Harrow was in to only find him gone.
Superman would quickly fly up and pay attention to any hearing around the Area in a 50 mile radius but he couldn't find Harrow it's as if he disappear as if he not on earth anymore.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2021 ⏰

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