Chapter Three:Fall of a bird

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It was a stormy night over Gotham,the rain came down hard as lighting appears in the sky with the sound of thunder.Then a church came into view as Riddler can be seen on the ground running into the Church as water drip off his suit.As Riddler head inside the church he began to look around as if he trying to see something as the voices he can hear would repeat, "Rap...Tap...Tap"
.Then with a loud bang the church doors are open only to Reveal Night-wing standing outside in the rain as his hair hang down as water drips from it.The Riddler began to stutter with fear as he mouths to Night-Wing to help him,Night-Wing would tilt his head in confusion as Riddler would run away behind the choir.Night-wing would walk forward after slowly  hear the sounds of ruffles under the seats as the Church doors behind him would slam shut behind as Night-wing would almost jump to the noise as he continued to walk forward.Silence had fill the air,as Night-wing walks up to the podium as he hears a faint sound that gets louder and louder then as Night-wing looks up to see Harrow on the ceiling,Harrow would be hanging upside down and say,
as Harrow falls from the ceiling he lands on his both feet as he had did a flip mid air as he over shadows Night-Wing almost being 6'6 his long arm blades sharp as ever.Night-Wing jump. back but Harrow didn't attack he stood there as if he a Statue as if he waiting for something.Harrow Then Raises the chains and begins to spin them as the made contact with the ground the sparks lit up the room for a second soon After,Harrow throws a chain in a straight forward line as Night-Wing turns his body to dodge but Night-Wing barely noticed the real weapon as he  jumps back on to the seats as blood drips from his cheek.Harrow arm blade drips with Night-Wing blood,what had happen as soon the chain was thrown Harrow had leap with it aiming to slice Night-Wing neck but barely miss.As Night-Wing stand on top the church chairs Harrow would leaps toward Night-Wing as he swings his blade as if he trying to kill Night-Wing,the only thing  Night-Wing Does is duck under but he forgot about the chain that was in his other hand that hit Night-Wing away.Harrow would land on the other side of the chairs as Night-Wing gets up from under the chairs as he bleeds from his arm as spikes can be seen on the chain by the lighting from outside.Night-Wing had Finally figure out his attack pattern but no way to counter  he attacks with double hits the first one is suspected to miss but the Second one is a killing blow then Soon after Harrow turn his way towards Night-Wing as he begins to walk forward.Night-Wing then would get his Batons out ready to fight but to only has his vision turn into pure blindly red after Harrow says these words,
as Night-Wing falls to the ground all he hears are those same exact words while hearing so many screams in his head as if they are right in his ear then the scream slowly turn into a Creature screaming all around him as Harrow walks over to Night-Wing he Raises his blade ready to cut him down but is stop by the sound of Gun fire as Harrow turn to the sound it was Riddler and he had Thompson submachine gun as he
began to fire a whole load into Harrow as Harrow wasn't faster then a speeding bullet as he took those hits and falls backwards dead as Riddler would say,
"i didn't do this to save you remember that i only did it to get Rid of it"
Night-Wing would reply saying,
"still you didn't have to kill him"
after that Night-Wing would walk over to Riddler and ask,
"so why the hell is he after you"
Riddler would look at him then behind Night-Wing with a Horror on his face as he runs away then Night-Wing would look back only to see Harrow standing there no bullet holes.Next Night-Wing would follow right behind Riddler as he finds a staircase to the bell tower as Riddler would beg for Night-Wing to save him,protect him.Knowing Night-Wing he had no choice and ask Riddler,
"so what the plan then"
Riddler would say,
"ok so first there a Chopper coming her in Five minutes we just need to stall him until then and i'll be outta your hair"
Night-Wing would nod as he closes and locks the door to the Staircase  and then they would wait on the roof as Night-Wing would look over the edge and see a pole near by.As he Sends a grapple to it as it ties around the pole as he detach it from the gun and attach it to the roof making a line then he gives his Baton to Riddler and say,
"ok so use the Baton to slide down off to the ground"
Riddler would nod as the door to the staircase would begin to crack,Night-Wing would stand up ready to face Harrow,as Harrow walks out to the roof he was clear as day as the Rain fall calmly now then it was before as they stare each other down.Night-Wing heads forward first charging in as Harrow would do the same.Then as they was about to clash Harrow would swing his blade around to slice Night-Wing throat,as Night-Wing would slide under the blade and remember his double hit as Night-Wing would Flip his one Baton and block the back Slash of Harrow second attack.Then Night-Wing quickly spin trip Harrow as Harrow falls to the ground Night-Wing stands up shadowing Harrow body as there can be Faint noises coming from it as Night-Wing would squat down to hear what he saying as Harrow would say,
Night-Wing would be confused only to find out what he meant but it was to late as he just realized that Harrow chain was wrap around his foot Night-Wing is pulled to the ground as Harrow stands above him with his blades pointed down  at Night-Wing but he gets tase from behind  by Riddler as Harrow falls to his knees he swings his blade toward Riddler only to slice the Baton he had in half  as Night-Wing would stun Harrow in the leg with his other Baton then lift his foot off the ground to kick Harrow off of him as chain flies off.Night-Wing looks at his bleeding ankle with the tear flesh as he looks up in relief as he sees a helicopter coming down as he tosses his other. Baron toward Riddler and tells him to,
"get out of here no one is killing anyone"
as Harrow would Run toward Night-Wing and Night-Wing runs toward him.Harrow would raise his blade trying to slice up on Night-Wing as Night-Wing would catch his arm then elbow Harrow Face as Harrow Spins around he sliced Night-Wing stomach then kicking him Harrow Rushes forward Riddler was already in his Chopper as he flew away waving Goodbye. Night-Wing would chuckle as Harrow would pick up Night-Wing and say,
"Your hero days are over"
as Harrow lifts him up into the air and slams Night-Wing back into his knee as there a cracking sound and then tosses him over. The roof into some bushes leaving him there to bleed out as Harrow would vanish into the night Sky.As Daylight came Night-Wing couldn't move his ankle Flesh was tore open his stomach was slice but not to deep almost close to death the pastor of the church finds him and calls the Ambulance as Night-Wing would ask the Pastor to not to.So he can hide  his identity The pastor nodded and close his phone but then Night-Wing quickly ask for the pastor phone as he calls someone barely typing then someone picks up and Night-Wing would say,
"h-hey B-Batman c-can you pick me up i can't move"
Three minutes later  Batman arrives to see Night-Wing in a bush as Batman checks out the damage Batman couldn't move Night-Wing so they called the Ambulance then  ten minutes later as they arrived the people ask him what happen and Night-Wing says,
"Cosplay gone wrong"
with a he Rushed to the hospital.Hours pass as Bruce is sitting in the waiting room with Barbara Gordon as Jason Todd just arrive. Jason ask,

"what Happen"

everyone sits there in silence as Jason Sits down next to Barbarba as Bruce would say,

"something attack Dick last night we haven't even talk to him yet about it"

as Bruce Finish talking the Doctor walk in and gave the news,

"Dick as Substance very Lethal injuries he lucky enough to be alive but the fall from the top of the church is like someone had knee his back and damage the spinal cord if it doesn't heal he may be paralyzed from the waist down and he as also lost a lot of blood we might need some blood"

Soon after the Doctor finish talking Wally west Known as Kid Flash as well as Roy Harper shows up as the Doctos says,

"y'all can see him if you like"

as everyone gets a little nervous they enter the Room.

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