Moving schools(Chapter 1)

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(Side note- dorms are provided for students but they are not required. Tho the uniform is the same but the vest except for winter or unless they wanna in the summer , spring and fall).
Kiris POV-

Mom woke me up bright and early she told me to make sure I had my glasses then head downstairs. I get up out of my bed my feet swinging over the edge me still being tired. You see I have a new school and today's my first day so I was studying so I didn't fall behind. I get up yawning and my vision being blurry. I rub my eyes and put my glasses on. Soon the light of my window hit me hard. I block my eyes from the light and get up. I shut the curtains making the room dark. My study stuff all over my floor littering it with papers, books, pencils and other supplies. I stepped over it all knowing either I or mama would clean it up later. I put on the uniform putting the vest on. It just felt right and it wasn't heavy so it was fine. I find my bag, and load it up with my books and other supplies. I went to pick up my bag and it didn't rip. You see my bag is really old and beat up. So any day it could rip open and everything could fall out. I pull my bag over my shoulder and head to the kitchen. Mom and mama are waiting for me at the table.

"Oh hunny! Look at our boy! He looks so handsome!" Mama shouts to mom even tho she was standing making food.

"Mama i look how I always do." I say to get her to stop death grip hugging me.

"Babe your gonna kill him with your grip." Mom says not looking from the eggs. You see I am there full child tho I was born from a quirk. I did grow in my mamas stomach it was just different. I sat down not uttering a word otherwise I think mama would blow from seeing me growing into a man. She likes that I don't date. It's just to much work.

"So, are you ever going to find someone to date? Or are you still on the I don't date thing." Mom says plating the eggs and rice into a bowl with the egg resting on top.

"Mom, it just takes to much effort and takes away from my study time. I can't date not right now." I say. She gives me a look, that look that she always gives me when I tell her no dating. She hates that I'm not dating anyone. She thinks I need more socializing. I don't need friends, I have books.

"Oh hunny stop bugging him. He'll find the right one yet." Mama says. You see my mom has black hair and blue eyes but mama has blond hair and red eyes with shark like teeth. That's how I got black hair and shark teeth as well as red eyes. Tho I've dyed it red for the fact I dislike the black. She serves our food warning mama not to bend the fork, she warns me too. As we eat mama and mom keep giving me a look. I don't wanna know.

Skip to school cause parents r boring---

As I arrive at school I realize it's large. Mom and mama say I have to move into the dorms because they don't want me home alone all day. Which I didn't mind, company would be nice. I walk into the school, kids are chattering all around me. Kids are to noisy. It's to loud. I walk around to try and find a classroom with the sign '3-A'.

Suddenly by bag rips open dropping all my books and pencils, as everything spills out people look and then go back to there conversations. Suddenly someone is over helping me.

"I saw your bag ripped. Here." He hands me my books and everything. He has green hair and bright green eyes. (Debating if I wanted denki to meet him first but denki is apart of Bakuhoes gang so... deku it is.).

"I'm midoria! You must be the new student! It's wonderful to meet you." He had said to me while helping me pick up, when another boy runs over to help me. This boy had blue hair and blue eyes.

"Babe, this is the new student." Mido told the blue haired boy, all while handing me my books and papers. (Yes dekuiida don't like it? Fuck off it's cute.) The blue haired boy introduced himself to me saying his name was Iida and that he hopes we can be good acquaintances and possibly friends. Ya that probably won't happen. I as them for directions and they show me while walking in. I guess we're classmates. There's at least 7 open seats. I take the one that's in the middle isle, closer to the window. Now there's only 6 seats open. I wonder where everyone else is. Suddenly the bell rings and everyone sits down. Still 6 seats with no students. Suddenly a black haired man walks into the classroom, he is wearing a black vest as well as some black jeans.

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