This class is odd -Chapter 2-

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As the day went on everything seemed weird. Mainly that no one approached the group the was known as the Baku squad. The rumor and facts the class told me was is that in the past they were like any other kids. Except all but their leader was picked on for being soft and nerdy. So one day they showed up and it's like their whole personality changed. They were confident, strong and didn't care what anyone else thought. They pick on the kids who bully others and the weak kids. Midoria had said that him and bakugo were friends up until high school. We were talking in the hallway when they approached us.
"Shitty nerd. Who the fuck is HE?" The group stood behind him not saying anything. I mean I didn't say anything either mainly because HE WAS TALKING ABOUT ME. And in honesty he scares me...

"W-Well kacchan- eep! I mean bakugo this is kirishima... he's new...". Midoria is sounding just as scared as I felt.

"You told him the rules. Right?" He had growled at midobro. No one should be talked to that way, I have to say somthing.

"Stop talking to him like that! That's-that's just so- Rude!" I said in a rage. The whole group looked shocked and so did everyone in the hallway. I'm not going to let my friend be talked to in that way. Suddenly the courage, and adrenaline left me and I wanted to just curl into a ball and die. He approached me slowly. He did not look all to happy... he soon grabbed me by the hair and slammed my head into a near by locker.

"Watch how you speak to me red head. Wouldn't want your pretty face to be bashed in. Now listen and listen closely." With my head pressed against the locker harder and his voice become lower along with him moving closer to me. "Rule 1. Never speak back to me or my group unless you want to be black n blue as well as out like a light. Rule 2. Hope to god you graduate because sense I'm here I will do everything to make sure you never see that day. Rule 3. We are top dogs and we won't back down from anything. So I suggest it's in your best interest to fall in line like everyone else and stay far away from us. Got that? Or should I beat it into your Skull? " I just nodded to the best of my ability and he lets go slightly slamming my head into the lockers as a recoil. He looks at his group that seems unfazed as they walked away. Well now I kinda wished I never spoke up. But my therapist had said that I should try and stick up for people that care about me. Everyone gave me a look of either fear or adoration. Tho I'm not sure why.

"Kirishima. What you just did could have gotten you KILLED. Why would you even attempt that! Ka- Bakugo is highly unstable." Izuku said checking my head for any damage but I think the only damage was my glasses which I didn't even realize had fallen off my face and had been stepped on.

"Damn it... my glasses are broken. I hate my contact lenses. But look like I'm going to be stuck with them. Hey Izuku can you walk me to the nurses so she can call my mom to bring them."

"Kiri. You almost could of died and your worried about Glasses."

"Well ya... I can't properly see nor do much without them. Sooo..."

"Fine but as your friend I suggest you just pay attention on not pissing him or his friends off."

"We're friends?"

"No duh! You just saved me from either being harassed or pummeled! Your my friend weather you like it or not!"

"... no one's ever wanted to be friends with me. They all say I'm a book worm with no interest in friends."

"Kiri when we get you contacts take a good hard long look at me." He says as we walk twards what I presume what would be the nurses office. We walked into a room and white alone with green came into a view of sorts. Izuku made me sit on a chair while he explained to the nurse what happened. She was calling my mother to bring my contacts. Izuku sat next to me.

"What you did could have sent you to the hospital. That was dangerous kiri."

"I know... I'm working on standing up for myself. I figured sense you cared enough to help me find my class and hang around my I kinda owed you one. I know I'm not the most interesting person." I say smiling to him. Just as he is about to reply to me, my mother walked in.

"Oh my gosh kiri! What happend the nurse told me you got into a fight!? You didn't hit anyone right? Your not hurt are you!? Oh my baby I'm so glad your ok!" She starts smothering me.

TBC read the next chapter within a week possibly 2

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 09, 2022 ⏰

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