Attack On Titan

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Roy Fortner, age 28, married and I live inside Wall Sina. My family is a line of merchants who made it big inside the walls but... I hated living like this... I used to hate it before... all this about us being Eldians and the bad guys in this story. 

Rumors are the only believable news that we hear about. everything else kept in secrecy by the newly found government. Its funny how nothing changed ever after a 100 years. titans kill people then people killing people and now the hole world after our race. The first time I saw people coming from the outside world, thinking that they are somehow different but, nothing's different. The same old shitty greed and same old desire for power. 

I've been to Shiganshina once, when I was young. It was with my father who had some business there. It looks the same as inside Sina but it felt... scarce. But trees and more quiet places. It was peaceful and I enjoyed sitting around the woods. But I constantly felt a panic, there was only one wall to keep me safe from the those titans. Only one wall between extinction and survival. So I never slept the whole week I stayed in that district. Every sound and every little thing terrified me. I wondered how people lived so merrily here without fear. Guards drinking... children running around. 

And when I heard about what happened to Shiganshina, i wanted to scream "I KNEW IT!" but... the world had become more cramped with only two walls. Eventually it will become one and maybe zero till titans eat everyone. 

And now... when I  think about how those titans were all people once... and more so... they were all Eldians and how we could turn into titans too... but what can a normal human do in this situation. I hate this. I have dreams of waking up in a titan body and losing control of myself. But lately my dreams are getting more erratic. I see glowing trees and stars I've never seen before. Sometimes I hear voices saying "Get out". My wife always looks worried. We've both seen titans with our own eyes and what they can do. So she is the only reason I can keep my sanity till now. And our daughter is the only thing that makes me want to hope and pray. I'm scared. 

Humanity was once terrorized by titans led by our King. And then people wage war, titans fight each other for power. And now after Eren Jaeger comes back from Marley and was imprisoned. The story took form from what some military folks blabbered on when drunk. How our king built these walls and stopped wars to live here in Paradis. And I realized something... this is not fair. These Marleyans who enslaved Eldians and used our own titan powers to win wars. Its so funny that they want us to shut up and keep quiet and think that we are devils and still use our titan powers to conquer other countries and even if the Eldian refugees choose to come home to paradis and live their lives without bothering anyone... they won't allow it. 

You will oppress us and use us our titans for you benefit and expect us to not fight back? Hypocrites. Pathetic. Its almost hysterical. 

When the first time outsider came to our land, they brought a lot of things, but... i wish they didn't bring their politics to our shores... now the military takes too much time to decide about anything. 

I'm scared. But I believe that Eren Jaegar could really be our savior. Still, i was to run away with my family and live somewhere where nobody would bother us. 

I don't know what I can accomplish if I had titan power but, sometimes I feel like this world is better off without humans to live in it. 

Why should be be punished for what our ancestors did? Why are we the bad guys? I hate myself for being so powerless. I'm terrified of heights so I don't stand a chance at becoming a soldier. And I don't have influence in the government. Should I run? I feel like something really bad is about to happen. And our queen is not appearing in the public's eye for a while. 

Think. Think. Think. If I was to run, how can I run without anyone noticing? Where do I go? The world is waging war against us. Should I ask those outside clan people who came for some ore? If I can get a map... maybe we can escape. Please give me a sign... what should I do? What deals must I make with Gods and devils to just... be free from this... fate. 


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