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It was late in the evening and the two lovers were enjoying a warm bubble bath together, which they’ve grown to love doing over the years. Just the two of them in the sereness of their bathroom, candles lit, light music playing. It was perfect.

It’s a couple weeks before Nadia’s due date so she’s been nesting around the house while Guzmán was at work. Guzmán, being the overprotective husband he is, doesn’t want Nadia to put so much strain to herself as she’s due to give birth literally at any moment. This bath was one they both felt they needed after another long week of prepping for their baby’s arrival.

With Nadia lying back against Guzmán’s bare chest, with both of their hands were resting on her baby bump feeling their little one move around and settle for the night. Even inside the womb their daughter was smart. She knew it was time to sleep, eat, and even wake her mother up so she could eat. They’re worried that she’s gonna be even more pushy when she gets here. She practically has both parents wrapped around her tiny finger already.

This moment, though, everything about it felt right.

The pregnancy surely wasn’t a planned one but neither of them saw it as a mistake. They created a life and it’s been wonderful, especially for Guzmán, watching his wife grow big with their child. Even though he didn’t have the raging hormones like Nadia it still made him horny, but he did respect Nadia’s desires over his own knowing his wife was giving him a child and that was pretty much the biggest favor to ask, planned or not.

It was a treat getting to be involved with this pregnancy as much as he could. Guzmán has worked his ass off so he can provide the world for his wife and their daughter but it never seemed like enough in his eyes. He wants them to know how loved they are and wants to give them everything on a silver platter, but life is difficult for everyone, even when you’re about to have a baby.

“What’cha thinkin about, Guzmán?” Nadia asks, noticing heavy breathing on her neck.

“Hmm? Oh, just our girl.” Guzmán says and moves his hand to the side of Nadia's belly. “It’s crazy that she’s gonna be here soon. Like where did those eight and a half months go?”

“I know.” Nadia smiles and leans her head back into the crook of Guzmán’s neck. “I think we’re ready for her, don’t you think?”

“Mhm.” He hums softly. “I wonder who she’s gonna look like more.”
“Probably you.” Nadia beams. “She’s gonna have the most beautiful blue eyes like her daddy and your straight brown hair and that smile that lights up a room.”

Guzmán was a blushing mess as his wife listed off everything she loved about him.

“She may look like me but she’s gonna act just like her momma. Smart, brave, and will have a heart of gold.”

“You really mean that?” Nadia asks, turning her head over his shoulder to face her husband.

“Of course I do. That’s why I married you.” Guzmán meant what he said about his wife. He fell with love with her looks, her personality, and overall just her. “You’re perfect, baby, don’t ever let anyone tell you different.”

“Mmm, thank you.” Nadia smiles into a kiss from her husband that lasts for several long and heated seconds.

When they get out of the tub, Guzmán helps Nadia get dressed in some underwear and an oversized shirt then the couple get ready for bed. Nadia curled up against his body pillow and fell asleep right away while Guzmán stays wide awake as his mind is racing with negative thoughts about his life and how he’s gonna mess up his daughter’s life. He gets out of bed and makes his way to her completed nursery, taking in the work he did to make sure it was perfect for his princess.

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