Chapter 1: The First Kill

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The Door busted open and the principal ran through the halls. It was currently 9pm and he was staying late. When he heard a noise, he went out to check. He saw a girl in a mask. She had a knife in her hand. So he ran and she chased after him.

"HELP!" He yelled loudly hoping the juniors might still be here or someone else. "SOMEONE HELP ME!!!"

He looked back and then ran right into something. He fell back and he groaned in pain. He heard the footsteps of the girl. He opened his eyes to see a guy with an identical mask. The guy yanked him up and slammed him against the locker.

"HELP ME PLEASE!" Principal Campbell yelled.

"Shhhhhh." The guy said putting the knife to the side of Principal Campbell's face.

"Help isn't coming." The guy said.

"Do you want money?" Principal Campbell said

"We don't want your money." The guy said Principal Campbell punched the guy in the stomach. He started running trying to get away from them.

"Oh where do you think you're going?" The guy pulling out a gun and shooting him in the leg. Principal Campbell fell to the ground crying in pain. He heard the footsteps of both of them. He turned over to look at them.

"Just kill me already." He whispered.

"Oh not yet but we will." The girl said as the guy grabbed Principal Campbell's arm.

"Come on." The guy said, dragging him to a classroom. He yanked him up again and sat him in a chair. He tied his hands and feet to the chair.

"What do you want?" Principal Campbell cried.

"Names we want names of who has been bullying Theo Strickland." The guy said

"I can't give out students' names." Principal Campbell said then cried out as the guy stabbed the knife into his leg right where the wound from the bullet was. The girl hopped on to the desk sitting in front of him. She looked at the guy.

"That's enough." She said then she looked to the Principal."Come on James, just names and last names."

"At least show your faces you cowards." He said the girl looked at the guy and nodded her head. He took the gun and shot him in the other leg. Principal Campbell cried out in paid.

"This is only gonna get worse for you." She said "You can end it by just a list of names."

"Go to hell." Principal said he spat at the girl. The guy grabbed his throat, choking him.

"Spit at her again and I slit your throat from ear to ear now." The guy said "Do I make myself clear?"

Principal Campbell nodded and the guy let go. Principal Campbell was coughing. The girl jumped down and grabbed his face making him look at her.

"I promise he won't kill you if you just tell me the names." She said

"You promise?" Principal said she nodded. "Okay, free my hands so I can write it down."

"Baby free his hands." The girl said to the guy.

Principal Campbell wrote the names down. He handed the list to the girl. She stopped seeing a name. Ethan Campbell. She looked back at the Principal.

"That's why you won't do anything it's your fucking son bullying them!" She yelled

"You said you wouldn't kill me if I gave you the names." He said

"I said he wouldn't, I never said I wouldn't." She said getting behind him and she slit his throat. Principal Campbell's hands went up to his throat, blood was just pouring out and he was choking on his own blood.

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