A love letter to myself

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Dear Younger Me,

There is so much I want to tell you. First and foremost, you are enough, more than enough really. You are more than your mistakes, things that have happened or the circumstances around you. If you could know these things now, so many mistakes and heartbreak could be avoided. But maybe that is the point, to not change anything. The choices you make, bad or good, the heartbreak, the pain, the joy, eventually lead you to the person you will become. Which is Me, the person writing you this letter.

I know you think you have it all figured out. But you don't, not really. One day, you will learn to love yourself, faults and all and once that happens, a whole new world will open up to you. A world with endless possibilities. You can't truly love another until you love yourself. Oh, but how you will try. You will try to fill that void you feel inside with all number of things. Whether it be relationships, drinking, etc. Nothing will work, not until you figure out your worth.

My biggest wish for you is for to not take as long as I did to discover all this. To not waste what precious limited time we have here on this earth with things you will later realize aren't all that important. You have a kind, compassionate heart for others, never lose that. But you will learn to guard your heart as well, not everyone has the intentions you do. Don't let them tarnish your deep love and empathy. Learn to love fully and with everything you have. One of the greatest joys you will ever experience is the feeling you get when you pour yourself into others. Careful though, find a balance. You can't help everyone else if you drain yourself dry.

Your loyalty and unwavering honesty are gifts, don't expect that from everyone you encounter. Or if you do, be ready for disappointment, but don't let it deter you. Be careful holding everyone to the standards you set for yourself, it can push people away. Keep your patience in check, because your lack of it is probably your greatest fault. Always keep your heart, mind and ears open.

Lastly, just know there will be trials and tough times, but in between, there will be moments of wonder, pure joy and happiness. I can't wait for you to see what this life has in store for you and for you to love yourself, just like I did and still do.


Dear Younger Me, A Love Letter to Myself.  #modernlovecontestWhere stories live. Discover now