Chapter 1 ~ Assembly

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Tubbo gazed at the treehouses towering above him, flicking his short brown tail in annoyance.

"We have to go up there?" He growled. "Seriously?"

"Only for Assemblies." Ranboo murmered to him. "The office and a few dormitories are there too, but we'll have a dorm on the ground."

"Good." The goat hybrid muttered. "Anyway, how do we get up there?"

"Theres a ladder, over there." The duo turned to see a tall boy wearing a black hoody gesturing to a wooden ladder dangling off the side of a platform. Upon closer inspection, Tubbo recognized him as a demon-looking monster type.

"Easy for you to say." He said after seeing the boy's feathered white wings as he walked away.

The walked towards the ladder, eyeing it cautiously. Many other non-flying creatures were climbing it.

"That... doesn't look safe..."

"Don't worry, I'll catch you if you fall." Ranboo reassured him teasingly.

"Does that mean you're making me go first?" He argued. "Oh, fuck no, you go ahead!"

Ranboo shrugged and walked up to the ladder, placing a hand on it. He scaled it with ease, his long tail swishing in the air.

He quickly reached the top, along with another group of mobs and monsters. "Your turn!" He called down.

Huffing angrily, Tubbo grabbed onto the ladder and climbed it, nearly falling off every two seconds despite his usual perfect balance. He hated those wiggly ladders.

"Where to next?" He panted when he finally reached the top.

"The office." Ranboo answered, checking his mental map. "There's a form or two we need to fill out."

"Forms, again!?" Tubbo groaned. "But we already filled thousands."

"Only four, and yes, these last ones are important,"

The office was surprisingly small, and filled with paperwork and forms. The pair grabbed a pencil each and quickly skimmed through the questions.

Name: Tubbo Underscore         

Type: (Hybrid) / Mob / Monster

Species: ____Goat_____

It was perfectly simple questions; heaven, after all the weird things thry had to fill in for the enrollment forms.

Tubbo glanced at the form on the top of the pile in front of him.

Name:    Wilbur Minecraft    

Type: Hybrid / Mob / (Monster)

Species:      Phantom          

Tubbo carefully placed his on top and turned to the door, where Ranboo was waiting.

"School Assembly is next." The mob said. "Starts in about 10 minutes, so lets go to the hall so we can be early."

"How do you know all this stuff?"

"I read the letter." He replied. "Didn't you?"

Tubbo rolled his eyes. He did read the letter that invited them to Magic Camp. Once. Ranboo, on the other hand, spent who knows how long studying everything in the letter, from how long each subject was to the handwriting of the person who wrote it.


The Assembly Hall was one of the weirdest rooms Tubbo had ever seen.

First of all, the thing was fucking massive. It was the largest structure in the treehouse part of the school, according to Ranboo.

Also, it didn't have a roof. The only thing to protect them from rain was the thin canopy above. Luckily, it wasn't raining.

70% of it was covered in neat wooden seats, with a few... fish tanks? on the side. Oh, right, water hybrids.

The rest of the platform was a shiny, yellow-brown stage.

Srudents were already filling the seats, with mer-folk and other water creatures swimming around in the apperantly massive tank thingies. Tubbo and Ranboo quickly rushed to get seats, finding two empty ones next to the demon-boy from before.

They were right next to the tanks, too. A mermaid with a blue-ish purple-ish tail was carefully watching them.

"You guys new here?" She asked kindly.

"Yeah." Tubbo responded. "How long have you been here?"

"This is my second last year." The fish lady murmered with a sad smile. "I'm Niki, by the way."

"I'm Tubbo, this is Ranboo. How long as demon-boy over there been here?"

"Oh, Bad?" Niki chuckled. He's in the year below me, with Skeppy." She gesture towards a Snow Golem hybrid sitting next to the tall boy. "Bad's a monster type, half demon, half angel."

Tubbo raised an eyebrow. "Seriously though, he seems way too nice to be part demon."

Niki laughed. "I know, right?"

Before he could continue the conversation, a figure stepped onto the stage.

All eyes turned to it; it was an Avian, a very rare species of hybrid. He had short blonde hair and enormous crow or raven's wings, and was dressed in a long green and black cloak, kind of like the thing those Slytherin guys from Harry Potter would wear.

"Hello, and welcome to Magic Camp!"

Applause and cheering echoed around the room, deafening the duo. This guy was popular as fuck.

The Avian waited until the noise died down before continuing.

"For those who don't know, my name is Philza Minecraft, and I'm the headmaster of this school."

Minecraft... that sounded familiar. Tubbo frowned as he tried to remember.

Minecraft, Minecraft... of course, Wilbur Minecraft! He remembered the form on the top of the pile. Maybe Wilbur was Philza's son?

"I'd like to welcome all our new students, and explain a bit about how it works here. You will have different classes every day, so your schedule will be given to you after the Assembly at the office so that you can remember which ones you're doing and when."

Ranboo probably already knew all about this, of course, but he was listening very intently anyway.

"Here at Magic Camp, studnts are divided into three groups, based off your species and abilities." Philza spread his wings to gesture at three flags hanging from a tree above his head. One was grass green, the other dark blue, and the third a pale turqoise and yellow. He had seen that last one all over the treehouse section of the school. "Ocean creatures are in Carrulam, the blue group. Flying creatures are in Solis, the yellow group. Everyone else, the ground creatures, are in Terram. If you are unsure about what group you are in, come to the office."

Tubbo knew what group he was in, of course. Both he and Ranboo hated water, and they obviously didn't have wings of any kind.

"The assembly is now over." Phil concluded, spreading his enormous black wings and preparing to leap into the air. "Now you most go find your dorms; Terrams are beneath us, on the ground, Solis here in the treehouses, and Carrulams down by the lake." With a single beat of his wings, he lifted himself into the air and dissapeard over the canopy.

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⏰ Última actualización: Aug 14, 2021 ⏰

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