A Test of Fate

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A/N: all art work does not belong to me also this series belongs to Itagakii Paru so go support her. Enjoy! Also this is a day before Tem is devoured

Legoshi P.O.V
"Dire wolves also known as the Aenocyon  Dirus in Latin, is a family member to the grey wolf also known as the canis lupus."
Legoshi could hear the chalk against the green board engraving the words into it.
"They been extinct for over thousands if not hundred thousand years, Although there has been a rumor of five dire wolves left within the world no one knows if this is true or not."
He was fascinated by these strong wolves. They appeared to have such erithral grace and a strong build yet only five were left.
"There bite force while unknown, is hypothized to be higher than the grey wolf and as big as the brown bear. There diet was vastly different from today. They mainly relied on  mega herbivores that being horses and sloths."
Legoshi didn't really care for the teaching he was more focused on the fact they were so perfect. So graceful and yet eeriely stunning. He was related to that...? Something so powerful that could take down a wooly mammoth with just the right bite force was intimidating.
"Legoshi! Are you paying attention?"

Legoshi was awoken from his trance as he looked over at his golden retriever friend jack. "No, not really... Kinda been distracted lately."

The teacher just became background noise. "How come? Are you okay?" Jack inquired. "Yeah. I just keep on smelling this scent and it makes my head all fuzzy and warm."

Jack looked at him as if he was crazy. But as much as he was put off, he was also intrigued. "Well what does it smell like?".

Legoshi didn't know how to describe it but as "floral, and it smells like honey and vanilla."

The two heard students gathering their stuff and leaving. "Aren't those your favorite scents? Maybe someone is wearing perfume when there not supposed to? You shouldn't read to much into it." Jack gathered his supplies putting them in his bag. "Your most likely right but even still. It's strong and I can't get my head out of the clouds..." He felt himself drift off slowly.

There it was the scent again. Even stronger, he inhaled deeply savoring the scent. He could smell it from five feet? Two feet. Then he felt it.

That warm sensation again. His mind raced and the only thing he could decipher from it was mate. A territorial term. One he had heard  was rare, it was a rare thing to even think you found your mate.

"LEGOSHI!" The wolf turned to jack still enjoying the scent that floated in the air "Yeah sorry... What was it?" Jack looked at him irritation. "Jack?"

"Your such a dope you know that Legoshi." Jack laughed dryly.


In the drama club Legoshi saw Riz and Tem talking. As Legoshi was fixing Bills costume for the performance.

Did I genuinely meet my mate..? How do you feel when you meet you mate? If I did what do they look like?

His thoughts were interrupted once Bill yelled for Legoshi.

"Hey Wolf! Didn't you hear me said  make sure you don't stab me anymore!!! You stab me in the ass five times dumbass!"

Legoshi stammered and said a small "sorry".  Bill grunted in displeasure about his submissiveness and how there no enjoyment with Legoshi being like this.

"Hey Bill... How did you feel when you met your girlfriend?" Legoshi inquired softly.

Bill laughed out loud "I didn't give two damns about her personality! It was the stripes that really got me on. Honestly I just wanted to fuck her and then be gone. But, things didn't go as expected so now we're dating and honestly its a drag!" Bill continued to complain. Legoshi realized to never ask advice from Bill but also that Bill himself had never been in love.

As soon as Legoshi was finished with Bills costume it was time to pack up. "Honestly Legoshi, I never really have been in love what's the point. Even if I were to fall in love it might not work out so it's best to leave it and just focus on sex." Bill finally finished talking which at some point Legoshi forgot about him.

Legoshi got changed out of his red track suit changing into his uniform once again still leaving him to question what does it feel like to be attracted to someone or in love at that.  He knew that someday he might experience it but how would he know. As soon as he was done he folded his clothes placing them in his locker. He heard a sigh from Tem.

" Back to the drawing board...?" Legoshi inquired. Tem looked over at startled at first but then his face relaxed. "It's just not the right time!" tem huffed a nervous laugh. "I'll just wait for the perfect moment, to tell Els how I feel!"

Legoshi nodded and walked off closing the door behind him and making his way to his dorm. As he walked he kept thinking and inquiring upon this dilemma

I know what love is on a physiological plane, it's just chemicals that bring serotonin and endorphins to you brain. It is a chemical that helps animals to reproduce. But yet everyone talks about it as this wondrous thing.

Legoshi once near his dorm it dropped from his mind his only focus was on getting changed and heading to bed. He groggily walked up the stairs to his dorm room and saw everyone else either talking or drifting off. He laddered for the second one.

"Hey Legoshi! Your Back! How was drama club." He looked over at the sheepdog and shrugged his shoulders "Same as usual I guess." Legoshi shrugged as he set his bag down and proceeded to change . The sheepdog Collot cursed as he was losing to a smaller canine.

"I'm gonna head in for the night guys so if you could, please keep it down..." They all laughed with Collot replying with a "well try!!!!". Legoshi climbed in his bed drifted off. He could still smell the scent and it was as soothing as well as comforting.

These Claws are For You ( Legoshi x Fem!Dire Wolf!Reader)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora